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L][Evasion New Mid rate PvP Server!


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New Server ! Opening Today!     


Fully H5 Mid Rate PvP Server!


XP: x30

SP: x30

Adenas: x30

Party : x1.6


No GM Shop, but Shop/Main Town is Hunters Village where you can find everything you need !

Special farm for s80+ Stuff (Easy/Medium/Hard farm zone)

Easy Farm (Only 3 specials items)

Balanced donate reward



Event Capture Base

Event Capture The Flag

Event Death Match

Event Hitman

Event Last Hero

Event TvT

Event TvT Round

Event Town War

Event Elpies

Event Rabbits

Event Race

Event Heavy Medal

Squash Event

Event Master Of Enchanting

The Valentine Event

Event L2Day

Main community board functions

Purchase professions 1,2,3

Scheme Buffer

Teleporter On the community Board



Cummunity Board With : Statistics - Top 20 PC, Top 20 PvP Top 20 PC Cafe, Epic Boss Spawn Manager, Top Heroes, Top Castel


Completely working Olympiad Games. Heroes every 2 weeks

Working system Nevit Blessing.

Working service of the Character Birthday.

Realized all Servants and Pets.

Clans system working.

Working Auction Manager.

Game classes

Skills changed in these chronicles are processed.

All new abilities are realized.

Hunting zones

Hunting zones are updated:

Antharas Lair

All location is overpopulated.

Dragons Valley

atrol monsters are realized.

Dragon Vortex are realized.

All location is overpopulated.

Watcher's Tomb

Old monsters from the Dragons Valley and Antaras Lair are populated.

Tower of Insolence

Monsters are corrected according to chronicles.

Teleports through Dimensional Vortex are changed

Swamp of Screams

The number of monsters is increased.

Completely working Luckpy Luckpy.


All new quests are realized. (Including the Olympiad Games)

All new accessories and subjects are realized.

Dynasty Armor is corrected on S grade.





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