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Guest skaros

This bug has been found by me.


*Create a kamael male.


*Go exp the kamael male.Make him Dracoon/Trooper at 20 level (In some servers it has different names but its the same class)


  *When you reach Level 40 go change class to a Soul Braker.


    *When u exp him and make him 80 do the thrid class.


      *Go ask somebody if he has nobles to do to u otherwise if u have just do the nobles buff to ur self.


      *Go do final form


        *Go die but while u are in Final Form and u have Nobles.


        *When u return to village your will be transformed to a normal kamael but the Final Form buff is still on the buff slots


          *As you know while u are in the transform if u equip a bow ur stats go lower.But while u do this bug do the toggle skills (Skills that consume constantly mp)


          *Thats it! Check your stats now :D


            *I have tried it to some servers and some ppl on replies say that works but this bug works on some kamael servers.I guess the pack they use is buged and many private servers use it so in many servers the bug works :D






Guest skaros

I rly don't understand the last part


Toggle skills are the real skills that give kamaels the good power.

Togle skills are skills that keep consuming mp while in use.


And i tried it on 4 servers... BS network i think and it worked also in to another server but that server is down for a very long time now.. probably closed.. i tried it on white - eagle but if u have final form and nobless u lose all buffs and final form even if u have the nobless effect still u lose ur buffs... and i tried it in athebaldt which i m 101% sure it wont work because the server badly messed up...

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