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450 online no fake, world  700 with tons of fake, sup? how you can flame?


450 and  growing , very good, soon will have many ppls



what promoting kid, im just flaming any server with fake online..like world with 3.5k .online

im happy that eoa failed, now this one  too!


whof whof !

whof whof !

whof whof !

whof whof !

whof whof !

whof whof !


Do you want a cookie :)


good boy!



p.s. i never saw more pathetic guy then you.

even after selfpwned like 2503403 times you continue to argue. :D


p.s. if you repeat one lie 100 times , it becomes a truth.

left: ~ 70 times :D


the only dog its you here, cuz i tried a server means not i adv it or smthing! atm there is not some good server..

stalone failed cuz no ppls..world sux as hell with 500 players real


LF Serious server


the only dog its you here, cuz i tried a server means not i adv it or smthing! atm there is not some good server..

stalone failed cuz no ppls..world sux as hell with 500 players real


LF Serious server


YES! NOW ARE 500 :d

you made my day,

with this temp in a week we will have below 0 :D


whof whof !:D


HAHA, i hear ppls trying to sell their items  fast before serv close

even desepr clan that always played on your fail servers quiting, HOW FAIL SERVER


TELL ME SOME CLANS IN YOUR SERVER?im sure strong clans that can easily drop ROA/OOC/Tribunal/LL from rpg


dat guy eagle_eye..half of his posts only faces :D

He must be emoticon-addicted you know its worst than heroin xaxaxaxa



In this case it's an emoticon...

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