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I searched to forum but I dont find it and I posted for people that they dont know!

Go to gameserver/data/html and find a file that its name is server news !

Open it with notepad and you see this :


<html><title>Welcome</title><body> ----->there in the red u can put the title of this or leave ti.


AAAAAAAAAA<br><br> ----------> Now where I 'A' u can put your text !

AAAAAAAAAA ps. You dont have questionmarks u have something else I have questionmarks

<font color="LEVEL"> becaause I edited my and I dont remember what was say!





Admins willing to change this text, should look for the servnews.htm file.------->THis if u want deleted or write another text






Now if u want to change the text which apear when you jail go to gameserver/data/html and jail_in and jail_out!

I will tell about jail out open with notepad. It has this text :


<html><title>Report bugs at www.l2jdp.com/trac</title><body>Jail:<br> Eceythig wgich is red I t can

You're free for now.<br> be changed!

Respect our server rules.<br>





If you want to change the text 'I have nothing to say you' got to gameserver/data/html and find npcdefault .

Open with notepad and you will find this :


<html><body>I have nothing to say to you<br> Change this!

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest">Quest</a> dont change this becouse you will have

</body></html> problems wih quests!




I hope to like my guide!

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