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Nice guide but i have to say in most of private servers most of those skills dont work correctly as some people said in first posts...I think they work perfect on official and on official files of some servers...or if in a good server the admin has fixed them...


hmm as i remember lifestones are droped from tyranosaurus on dino island..if i remember correct..


That is why i make this guide ^^ to avoid answer like that


nice guide man, but where i can find life stone?


Look here http://lineage.pmfun.com/?s=life+stone&x=0&y=0 U have all the kind of life stones types and wich monster drop it and whit wich %




@merdoso  has i said before i dont have space in 1 post ¬¬ I will add any new info in the second post i made..


with active and pasive increases phy attack u are invincible :P


Not invincible but More hard to kill 100% Specially whit passive of m or p def ;P


good job  ;D :) :)


1 warn from me , dont spam


if your weapon is augment you can trade it ?


Whit exploits yes (but just in a few servers) but whit out exploit no u cant .

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