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hellbound [L2J]L2Aeolus


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We focus on make a good server and provide a good and fun gaming to our players and not how to make money in first place.

Donation payment's have low priority to us at the moment.

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I played there 3 hours and I saw: lot of donator. I decided I'm gone. But GL.


Not donators . gm friends for sure . who will donate on a shit corrupted server like this ? hah .

iDante scamed people on zaken leaving party to take drops etc and now opens a server? :) . funny how you trust a person who scamed ppl on l2world serveral parties on zaken .

maybe im off topic but thats says alot about a person character and how low he can get for a game. sad that i see u expected more from him . anyway l2world opens soon . on the 1st it goes live and no more sh1ty server like this ones . they will vanish in air with their 20 online .

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