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Re paidia oti leei einai blakeies teleiwmenes kata tin gnwmi m.To nero einai dinatwn na e3antli8ei?Ri3te mia matia stin idrogio olo nero kai wkeanoi,na m peis dn einai posimo..Alla egw eida stis eidiseis ena meros p epeidh dn exoun ka8olou nero exoun mixanimata kai pernoun to 8alassino kai to kanoun posimo.


Pisteuw oti einai poly trabigmena kai to kanoun gia na mas eues8itopoihsoun na min kanoume yperkatanalwsi kai ftasoume se auta ta akra (na pernoume nero apo tin 8alassa),alla kai autoi sta akra ftanoun legontas oti 8a epanafer8oun oi bo8roi epeidh dn 8a yparxei nero,ktlp..


Re paidia oti leei einai blakeies teleiwmenes kata tin gnwmi m.To nero einai dinatwn na e3antli8ei?Ri3te mia matia stin idrogio olo nero kai wkeanoi,na m peis dn einai posimo..Alla egw eida stis eidiseis ena meros p epeidh dn exoun ka8olou nero exoun mixanimata kai pernoun to 8alassino kai to kanoun posimo.


Pisteuw oti einai poly trabigmena kai to kanoun gia na mas eues8itopoihsoun na min kanoume yperkatanalwsi kai ftasoume se auta ta akra (na pernoume nero apo tin 8alassa),alla kai autoi sta akra ftanoun legontas oti 8a epanafer8oun oi bo8roi epeidh dn 8a yparxei nero,ktlp..

elpizw na einai etsi opos ta les fakoykas


Kai na eksantlithi den mas niazi. Tha pinoume Coca Cola 8)

Sovara, oso to nero tha arxizi na eksantlite toso pio poli i timi tha akriveni opos to petreleo.

Kai to video afta pou leei einai alithia. Krima pou eimai genimenos to 1992 kai 8a ziso mexri to 2100. Mexri tote tha doume apistefta pragmata brosta mas.



Kai na eksantlithi den mas niazi. Tha pinoume Coca Cola 8)

Sovara, oso to nero tha arxizi na eksantlite toso pio poli i timi tha akriveni opos to petreleo.

Kai to video afta pou leei einai alithia. Krima pou eimai genimenos to 1992 kai 8a ziso mexri to 2100. Mexri tote tha doume apistefta pragmata brosta mas.

odws ....an k pisetvw pws to nero odws kapoia stigmh 8a e3anlth8ei alla oxi se 50 xronia alla se 500 xronia isws...ta paidia ton disseggonwn mas borei na mn exoun nero....


Guyz mporei na min eksantli8ei to nero se 50 xronia , isws oute se 500 alla kapoia stigmi 8a eksantli8ei... To nohma autou tou video dn einai mono to nero ... Mas afipnei kai gia alles katastrofes pou eperxontai.. An den kanoume kati gia na prostatepsoume to perivalon tote mporei oxi ta paidia mas alla ta disegona twn disegwnwn mas akomi na exoun provlima .. emeis 8a poume dn mas noiazei gt autoi 8a zisoun polu pio meta apo emas ? Sas ipen8imizw epishs pws to nero den eksantlitai mono apo iperkatanalwsi. Ean sinexizoume na xrisimopoioume xeimika pou megalwnoun tin tripa tou ozontos tote oi iperiodeis aktines tou iliou 8a pernane pio eukola , pou simenei oti i 8ermokrasia 8a anevei kai to nero 8a eksatmistei !


Re paidia oti leei einai blakeies teleiwmenes kata tin gnwmi m.To nero einai dinatwn na e3antli8ei?Ri3te mia matia stin idrogio olo nero kai wkeanoi,na m peis dn einai posimo..Alla egw eida stis eidiseis ena meros p epeidh dn exoun ka8olou nero exoun mixanimata kai pernoun to 8alassino kai to kanoun posimo.


Pisteuw oti einai poly trabigmena kai to kanoun gia na mas eues8itopoihsoun na min kanoume yperkatanalwsi kai ftasoume se auta ta akra (na pernoume nero apo tin 8alassa),alla kai autoi sta akra ftanoun legontas oti 8a epanafer8oun oi bo8roi epeidh dn 8a yparxei nero,ktlp..

Χωρις να θέλω να σε θίξω απο άτομα τα οποια έχουν την ιδια νοοτροπια με σενα εχει προκληθει αυτή η ανεπανόρθωτη ζημια του περιβάλλοντος,

Επιπλέον το να μετατρέψεις το θαλασσινο νερο σε ποσιμο είναι μια διαδικασια απίστευτα ακριβη χωρις να προσφέρει επαρκείς ποσότητες νερου.Είναι καλύτερο να προστατεύσουμε οσο νερο εχει απομείνει παρα να ψαχνουμε πατέντες για το πως μπορει ο ανθρωπος να κατασκευασει νερο


Mesa kai apo afto to video vgeni kai ena ithiko didagma. Trava g@mist3 giati den tha prolavete. Pera apo tin plaka, apo dw kai pera prepi na proseksoume para poli. Ego exw anatrixiasi.


paidia egw pisteuw oti iparxei i ali8ia mes a se auto to video. Kaneis den eipe oti to nero 8a xa8i gia panta. To nero 8a iparxi alla etsi opos to pame pisteuete oti 8a einai posimo oste na mporoume na to pioume ? I Megali den endiaferonte pia. Perasane mas katastrepsan to mellon kai figane. Den prepei twra na rixnoume eu8ines. Ean den kanoume kati emeis TWRA i neoi kanenas den 8a mporei pote na kanei. Mono emeis mporoume na to alla3oume auto. Alla blepw kati zwa na kanoun comment grafontas ili8iotites opos enas -beep- lee oti o pateras mou einai plastikos xeirourgos etsi k ginei auto 8a ploutisoume epidi 8a erxonte na ginonte omorfoi giauto 8a afinw tin brisi anixti. kai meta sou leei an8ropos. Otan omos 8a pe8anei apo tin elipsi nerou ? i otan 8a pnigeis mesa sto idio sou to spiti epidi den 8a exeis o3igono egw 8a gelaw sto lew. Ola auta einai i skliri pragmmatikotita pou merikoi arnounte na tin pistepsoun. Twra mas poulane malakies i kibrnisei giati mas exoun gramenous sta arxidia tous. Ti tous niazei ? autoi se 10-15 xronia 8a pe8anoune emeis ti fteme ?? egw exw mporw na pw oti kai twra pou eimaste mikroi oi perissoteroi mporoume na drasoume. Mporoume na min xalame nero aplos epidi 3exname tin brisi anixti. Episis di3te auto to video kai stous megalous.


Auta exw na pw

Elpizw oloi na drasoume kai na apofigoume auta pou mas dixnei to video





P.S: opios kanei spam i arxisei kai leei blakies 8a ginei reported idika se auto to topic


Destiny tha diafoniso. An den theli na iparksi spam sto topic na to evaze sto off topic. Apo tin stigmi pou ine sto spam section, o kathe user mpori na kani reply oti goustari xoris tin epipliksi ton kanonon os spam reply.


den tha pw polla , APLA ANATRIXIASA  , tha pw ta pragmata me to onoma tous

egw 1 pragma kratisa , emeis na pame na gamithoume ( sygnwmi kiolas )  , emeis exoume zhsei estw kai liga xronia :


den xreiazete na ftasoume se shmeio na metatrepoume to thalassino nero  , se posimo !

nero exoume , arkei na mporoume na to SYNTIRISOUME me ton katalilo tropo , 

Tetoiou idous video , mporoun na 3ypnisoun olokliri tin anthropotita

Guest skaros

Re c... auta p leei to video einai teleios paparies! exw dei ena dokimanter p edixne ti tha gini me tin gh sto 2050...

nai tha exoume auksanomenes thermokrasies auto fenete k apo ta twra

nai tha ligosteusi to nero

nai tha liosoun oi pagoi

kai kserete ti tha gini meta apo auto?  afou oi pagoi voithousan sta pagosmia reumata otan liosoun oi pagoi ta reumata tha katastrafoun...


epoxi ton pagetonon...

once again we have to survive thats what we do :)


Re c... auta p leei to video einai teleios paparies! exw dei ena dokimanter p edixne ti tha gini me tin gh sto 2050...


ok ok to 2050 to 2500 omos ?? esy sta @@ den 8a ziseis omos oi ta paidia mas ti ftene? epidi esy ides ena ntokimanter les aa egw 8a zisw den pa na gami8oun oi ipolipoi (sorry k gia tin le3i) auti i koubenta mas efere se auto to simio file m. I Prolipsi einai i kaliteri giatria na to 8imase ;)

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    • ElmoreLab Harbor - Eternal C1 x1: ✅ https://harbor.elmorelab.com ElmoreLab Harbor - Eternal C1 x1 - is an exclusive server of the Eternal C1 chronicles from the top project ElmoreLab Harbor.   A unique server of its kind, on which everyone will have maximum pleasure, such as oldschool players who dream of nostalgia and to feel the warmest and classic C1 chronicles, as well as experienced players who are tired of thousands unbalanced servers of late chronicles. Due to the professional corrections of the balance system and the HONEST gameplay system - on this server, EVERY player will feel like in their own, warm and cozy Harbor C1. Let's return to the origins of L2 - back to 2004 in C1! ❤️   ⭐ Server characteristics:   STRICTLY 1 window, NO BOXES Bans for RMT and bots/cheats No donations with benefits Unique and high-quality PTS-build from Master Toma Professional corrections and full class-balance Reworked economy and closed all abuses Improved animations and all aspects of the game Exclusive HD-client with high-quality textures Experienced administration and management Fixed all bugs, geodata, exploits and holes Maximum sociality due to the 1-box system Discovering, exploring and researching Big online International server Nostalgia and oldschool-feelings   Rates: x1 Server start: 14.02.2025   The server is at the final stages of development and preparation for release. Information on the server will be updated, soon the patchnotes and changes/edits will be posted. Don't miss the legendary and epic experience on the best server in the last 20 years! ❤️ Join our C1-forum with a lot of information about server and active discussions.   ⭐ Website: https://harbor.elmorelab.com   ✅ Forum: https://forum-harbor.elmorelab.com   💥 Telegram: https://t.me/l2harbor https://t.me/l2harbor_chat   ⚡ Discord: https://discord.gg/harborelmorelab
    • yeah ok, if you say what is fuctional 100% i can't say something different 😛  but if someone find hard to compile it or get vs and all that things i have here one more simple way here to put overlay in your own server or to change your window name with few money.
    • I've been using this for 2 years now with no issues from Discord. I don't use ogg.dll either. This one works with any l2.exe too; I don’t see any difference between them.
    • hmm.. ok i just see that, is different code first of all. My sources is totally different based in other way, with else libraries.  I have access to modify everything even to make the clock to stop show how many time users play in server. 1) so maybe keep some personal info more hide. 2) i dont use ogg.dll 3) i create it and give it ready + support to install it. Plus what is mine can working with what ever .exe you want not just l2 with same simple method. And i am sure if you try this source to compile it, after 3 hours discord will like shadowban your API too thats my source
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