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Europe Muonline [Season 4 Episode 6; Exp 75x; Drop 30%; Exc.: 3%]

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Server start date: 6th February, 2013


Europe MU Online is back, with new server, this time Season 4 Episode 6 a lot of new game features, re-made all character stats to make gameplay more balanced, new systems like Territory system/Offtrade/Map System, New Trade System.We have edited 90% of monster stats, to make leveling more specific, we want that this server is different from others, and you wont see so well-considered gameplay nowhere.


Europe MU Online Gameplay information:

We have spent a lot of time on gameplay, we want that this is one of the best low rate MU Online servers, we have remaked a lot of things, and we hope that people will like that. 3D Camera Aviable.


Europe mu online main value is Zen and of course Jewel of Chaos, jewel of chaos is very rare, and zen drop has been made low. Each event has different drop and each of them has incrased experience, this is made to make players visit events more often than they ussualy do. All event times you can see HERE. We have reconfigured all monster stats, no easy exc items,re-made all boss stats and their drop.


Europe MU Online ingame Features:


We have added Offtrade system, you can sell your items, while you are offline, multi vault system /ware 0 - /ware 3, 3 extra ingame vaults. Merry system, we have added 5 new jewels : Jewel of Excellent, Jewel of Divinity, Jewel of Assembly, Jewel Of Luck and Jewel of Skill. In Europe MU Online we have added Golden Archer Reward, collect 10 renas, and recieve wcoins/pcpoints/zen and jewels.


Europe MU Online Server Rates:


Experience: 75x

Item Drop Rate: 30%

Exc Item Rate: 3%

Master XP: 80x

Zen Drop: 1x

Guild Create Level: 350lvl

Party Gap: 120lvl

Master Max: 150lvl

Soldier Buff: 130lvl

Reset Stats: Clear (1000/1200)(Cost - 15 000 000*Res Count)

Max Resets: 65x

Party Experience:

2 Players = 150x

3 Players = 235x

4 Players = 315x

5 Players = 395x

Chaos Machine:

Level 1 Wings Rate = 70%

Level 2 Wings Rate = 55%

Level 3 Wings Rate = 35%

Chaos Mix +10 Rate = 60%

Chaos Mix +11 Rate = 50%

Chaos Mix +12 Rate = 40%

Chaos Mix +13 Rate = 30%

Europe MU Online Server Commands:


Add Commands - /addstr,/addagi ,/addvit,/addene,/addcmd

/pkclear 1 kill = 1kk*kill count (Clear your pk status)

/level - Shows Level & Master Level

/post - Chat Command

/time - Shows Server Time

/online - Shows online count

/pkclear - Can be also GM Command

/ware - Change you active vault

/check - Check for PCPoints, WCoins, WebPoints


Europe MU Online Technical Support:


Skype: supportmu

E-Mail: mu-support@hotmail.com






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