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Genre: Comedy | Drama

Size: 1.91 GB

Quality: 1080p

Resolution: 1920*800

Frame Rate: 23.976 fps

Language: English

Subtitles: English

Run Time: 2hr 16 min

IMDB Rating: 6.1/10

MPR: PG-13


Download Here





	public int getLastGotKill()
	Connection con = null;
	int last_pvp_time = 0;
		con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(false);
		PreparedStatement statement;
		statement = con.prepareStatement("select last_got_kill from characters where obj_Id=?");
		statement.setInt(1, getObjectId());

		ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();
			last_pvp_time = rset.getInt("last_got_kill");
			_log.info("last pvp time is : " + last_pvp_time);
		rset = null;
		statement = null;
	catch(Exception e)
		con = null;
	return last_pvp_time;


why does this return always 0 ? i am sure that the column last_got_kill is not zero for the selected player







Hey there. My name is Dustin Perolio, I'm 24 years old, and as many of you probably know, I'm a graphics designer. I specialize in MMO/World of Warcraft web designs and enjoy creating them. I'm certainly still learning and getting better (at least I like to believe so) but with each design I spend a considerable amount of time and effort to get the "best" outcome that I can. My prices are pretty high, and certainly not everyone can afford them, but I feel they are more than reasonable considering the amount of time I put into each of them alone (I am charging less than minimum wage per hour worked on each design). Think of your website as an investment, as it is the first impression users will see about your server and will often be the deciding factor for if they move on or read more and perhaps join your server.


I am not here to suck up to you or convince you to buy my designs though. They are here, and if you like the design, have the money, and want it for your server, I will be more than happy to sell it you.


To see more of my work, you can check out my full web design portfolio at http://www.dperolio.net.






Every design at the minimum includes:


  • 1 full design PSD with layers labeled and organized into groups to the best of my ability
  • 1 index.html of sliced and coded design in HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery
  • All images are optimized, sprites used when appropriate
  • Each design comes with minified CSS and JS files for faster loading
  • Includes optimized htaccess file (for Apache web servers)


Pre-loading is utilized in most of the designs to speed up the loading of certain parts.


Each design should work well in any resolution 1024x768 or higher, and with all of the latest versions of the popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE).

I will edit the text of the header/background to whatever you would like.


Upon purchase, you have the rights to do anything you want with the design. You can resell the rights to someone else or you can sell copies of the design with limited rights. I give you permission to do anything you would like with the design after you've purchased it. It will also be your responsibility to protect your newly purchased designed and issue DMCA takedowns or even file lawsuits if you so wish against those who may try to steal your design.


Upon purchase, you also acknowledge that some of the artwork used in the design is property of © Blizzard Entertainment.






I am not selling any kind of PHP code whatsoever. (Almost) no PHP code is contained in any of the coded designs listed below. You will need to find someone who knows html/css/php if you would like to (which I assume you would) have these designs integrated with a working CMS for your server.


Additional features and inclusions which pertain to each particular design will be listed below.







Most likely no. It depends on what you want edited and for which design though. If you tell me something like, "I don't like the background and nav bar, can you make something new?" I'm going to tell you flat out no, probably. The designs are mainly "what you see is what you get" as I have already put more than enough time into each of these designs to justify the price. However, if it's changing the links on the navigation or something to that extent, that would probably be no problem. Just ask me though, and I'll give you an answer. Every design comes with the header text edited.









(click the image to view the full sized preview. The actual coded design may vary slightly.)



  • CSS3 slider
  • 4 different headers / color themes, one for each expansion (yellow for Vanilla, green for TBC, blue for WotLK, red for Cata)
  • PHP caching to remember which theme the user has selected upon changing page or leaving the website completely
  • jQuery theme change to easily change themes without page reload. Simply click a box and it will load the new theme dynamically
  • Theme selection area able to be toggled. Simply click the "WEBSITE THEME SELECTOR" image and the section will slide up and out of view. Likewise, click it again to slide it back into view
  • Easily editable navigation menu


Unique Price:

$400 USD







(click the image to view the full sized preview. The actual coded design may vary slightly.)



  • jQuery tooltips used around the site on hover
  • CSS3 slider


Unique Price:

$400 USD







(click the image to view the full sized preview. The actual coded design may vary slightly.)



  • jQuery fade slider
  • Modal image popup box with custom frame (Daily Screenshot section)
  • jQuery fade-in on page load
  • CSS3 fading techniques used to make images/sections look a bit lighter when hovered over
  • Easily editable navigation menu


Unique Price:

$400 USD







(click the image to view the full sized preview. The actual coded design may vary slightly.)



  • Interesting, unique interface style shapes
  • CSS3 slider
  • Sidebar modules slide up and down when you click on its section header. Javascript is used to cache and remember which sections have been toggled up and down
  • Modal image popup box (Random Image section)


Unique Price:

$400 USD







(click the image to view the full sized preview. The actual coded design may vary slightly.)



  • jQuery fade slider
  • Lavalamp sliding style navigation menu (see navigation menu @ the top of http://www.dperolio.net)
  • Easily editable navigation menu


Unique Price:

$400 USD






If you decide to purchase a theme, I would appreciate it if you would tell me the name of your server/project, what country you (the owner) is living, and a live link to your website when it is up and running. This information is not necessary, so you may choose to without hold any or all of it if you wish. If provided, the information will be used on my portfolio for the project's description information.






To reiterate, some of the artwork used in each design is property of Blizzard Entertainment. By purchasing a theme, you acknowledge this. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please either post them here, send me a PM, send me a message via my website, or get in touch with me through one of the social means listed below.












I will provide watermarked (heavily and badly) live previews to people who are interested.






Verified Paypal accepted only.






Now is  1502 SOLO/DUO Quee Elo Rate, TOP - 1656 [s3]


FOR MORE INFROMATIONS contact me on Faceebok name: Petr Šíbal


PRICE: 100 €


Riot Points: 283


Influence Points: 26 873




Heroes (skins):




Ahri (Midnight Ahri), Akali (Singer Akali), Alistar (Golden Alistar), Amumu, Anivia (Bird of Prey Anivia),


Annie, Ashe (Sherwood Forrest Ashe), Blitzcrank (Boom Boom Blitzcrank), Brand (Vandal Brand),


Caitlyn (Resistance Caithlyn),Cassiopeia (Siren Cassiopeia),Cho'Gath (Battlecasr Prime Chogath),


Corki, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks (Suprise Party Fiddlesticks),


Fiora, Galio, Gangplank, Garen (Sanguine Garen), Gragas, Graves (Mafia Graves),Irelia (Infiltrator Irelia),


Janna (Tempest Janna), Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Karma, Karthus (Grim Reaper Karthus), Kassadin (Harbinger Kassadin),


Katarina, Kayle, Kennen (Karate Kennen), Kog'Maw (Caterpillar KogMaw) ,LeBlanc (Prestigious LeBlanc),


Lee Sin (Traditional LeeSin + Dragon Fist), Leona, Lulu, Lux (Sorceress Lux), Malphite, Maokai (Totemic Maokai),


Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Morgana (Blachthorn Morgana), Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne (Ravager Nocturne),


Nunu, Olaf, Orianna (Sewn Chaos Orianna), Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus (Freljord Rammus), Rengar, Riven,


Rumble, Ryze (Tribal Ryze), Shaco, Shen (Blood Moon Shen), Shyvana, Singed,Sion, Sivir, Skarner,


Sona (Guqin Sona), Soraka, Swain (Bilgewater Swain), Syndra, Talon (Crimson Elite Talon), Taric,


Teemo (Recon Teemo), Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot (Battlecast Urgot),


Varus, Vayne (Aristocrat Vayne), Veigar (Leprechaun Veigar), Viktor, Vladimir (Count Vladimir + Blood Lord),


Volibear (Thunder Lord Volibear), Warwick (Tundra Hunter Warwick), Wukong, Xin Zhao (Commando XinZhao),


Yorick (Undertaker Yorick), Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra






Runes [[ 15x RUNE SLOT ]]  (9x/3xQuint TIER3):








Ability power +0.59


Armor +0.91


Armor Penetration +1.3


Physical Damage +0.95


Attack speed +1.7%


Cooldowns -0.16%


Critical Chance +0.93%


Magic Penetration +0.87


Magic Resist +0.77


Ability power per level +1.9






Ability power +0.59


Armor +1.4


Physical Damage +0.43


Attack speed +0.76%


Critical Chance +0.42%


Magic Resist +0.74


Ability power per level +1.9


Energy Regeneration +0.63


Healt Regeneration +0.43


Mana Regeneration +0.41


Gold +0.25 / 10


Scaling Healt +19Healt/level


Scaling Mana +21Mana/level






Ability power +1.2


Armor +0.7


Physical Damage +0.28


Attack speed +0.64%


Cooldowns -0.65%


Critical Chance +0.93%


Magic Penetration +0.63


Magic Resist +1.3


Scaling Ability power per level +3.1


Scaling Magic Resist +2.7/level


Scaling Mana regen +0.005Mana/level


Mana +11.3




Quintessences (3x)


Ability Power +5


Armor +4.3


Armor Penetration +2.6


Physical Damage +2.3


Attack Speed +3.4


Cooldowns -1.64%


Crit. Chance +1.9%


Gold +1/10


Health +26


Health Regen +2.7


LifeSteal Bonus +2.0%


SpellVamp Bonus +2.0%


Magic Pene. +2.0


Magic resist +4.0


Mana +38


Mana regen +1.3


Move Speed +1.5%


AP per level +7.8/18lvl


Health +49/18lvl




Genre: Biography | Drama

Size: 1.75 GB

Quality: 1080p

Resolution: 1920*1080

Frame Rate: 23.976 fps

Language: English

Subtitles: NONE

Run Time: 1hr 58 min

IMDB Rating: 7.5/10


download Here








1. Μαστούρα

2. Το όνομά μου είναι Ύπο

3. Βρώμικο

4. Έλα και πιαστο

5. Πάλι θα μιλήσω

6. Το rap μας


Download Here




new server if u wanna try our server please join us ,u will not regret





SERVER START 22-12-2012 22:00 PM


no donators!!!!!!


Site :  www.l2evo.ucoz.ro





Experience: 1000x

Skill Points: 1000x

Adena Drop: 1000x

Item Drop 1x


Safe Enchant : +5

Weapon Max Enchant : +21

Armor Max Enchant : +21

Jewels Max Enchant : +21


scroll enchant : max +10


Perchant Weapon : 65%

Perchant Armor : 65%

Perchnat Jewels : 65%


Blessed Enchant 100%


until +21



Server Features:


* Auto-Learn Skills

* Balanced Classes

* Wedding System

* Clan Hall System

* No Clan Penalty

* Castle Siege System

* No Weight Penalty

* No Grade Penalty

* New character start with: - 300kk adena

                            - lvl 79

                            - add subclass u get instant lvl 79

* Sub-Class Without Quest

* Noblesse special shop

* Hero System :

      * START    18:00

      * Ends    00:00

      * Hero changes every week

* Duel System

* Augmentation System

    15% change real!!

* Max Subclasses = 4

* Max Subclass level = 80

* Max Alliances = 3

* All Noblesse Skills

* All Hero Skills

* All Augmentation Skills

* All Raid Bosses

* All flood protections

* Fully DDoS Protection

* Retail-Like Enchant Skills System

* Every Buff / Dance / Song / Chant Lasts 4 Hours

* C4 / C5 / Interlude Skills

* Interlude Skills 99% Working

* All C4 / C5 / Interlude Monsters

* All C4 / C5 / Interlude Locations

* Unstuck Command 10 seconds

* Pvp system : - color nick

              - 15 pvp = aura hero

              - Reward for pvp/pk = 1 Event Medals

* No corruptions!

* NO LAG!!!



Server Events :


* TvT Event

* CTF Event

* DM Event


Custom Coins :


* Event Medals Reward


* Festival adena Reward


Extra Edits :


* Custom Tattoo: - nightmarish tatoo

* Custom Masck : - Black Half Masck

                - Little Angel Wings

* Custom Armors: - epic (very nice)               

* Custom Wepons: - epic

                - l2 gold wepons

* Custom wings hero ,wepons is edited and crown for castle lord !!!!!


Custom Npc's :


* Custom Buffer = 4 scheme max

* Global Gatekeeper

* Info Raid Boss dead/alive/time respawn

* GM Shop

* Class Manager

* Weding Manager

* Top Players List NPC Info(pvp/pk/clans top)

* Clan shop:u can buy lvl 8 and full reputation

* Pk Killer



Custom Zones :


* Custom Farm Zones x3 :-imperial tomb

                        - monastery of silence

                        - dvc

* Custom PvP Zone x1  :- primeval isle







A New Beginning - Final Cut © Daedalic Entertainment


Release Date : 20th December, 2012

Protection : Gameshield

Type : Adventure

Size : 51 x 50mb




A New Beginning - Final Cut is a cinematic adventure-thriller done graphic

novel-style. In this charming and witty adventure, earth is on the brink of

impending climate cataclysm. It's essential to travel the world in order to

spare mankind and save the whole from this terrible fate


Bioengineer Bent Svensson had to resign from researching alternative ways of

generating energy. Now the former workaholic lives a secluded life in the

remote forests of Norway. His early peaceful retirement is invaded by Fay, a

young woman claiming to be a time traveler from the future. She tries to

convince him that she's here to prevent the climate cataclysm from happening

and according to her, Bent's research is the last hope to achieve just that

However, his results are on the verge of falling into the hands of a reckless

energy tycoon who cares for nothing but his own profit. Together, Bent and Fay

now have to put an end to the imminent global catastrophe


Key Features

A fully fledged adventure-thriller, tackling on the contemporary issue of

global warming

More than 100 breathtaking, highly detailed backgrounds

More than 20 hours' worth of game time

Unique graphic novel style with an hour worth of animated comic cut scenes

A masterpiece, written by the creators of 'The Whispered World',

'The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav', 'Harvey's New Eyes' and the 'Deponia





Unrar, mount/burn, install, copy crack from Crack folder on the DVD to where

you installed the game. Enjoy




As you will find, this is a brand new version of the game


Download Here




Artist: VA

Album : VA_-_Cafe_Del_Mar_20th_Anniversary-CD-2000-Jkoop


Ripper : JKoop

Supplier : B0kk1e

Style : Electronic

Genre : Electronic

Date : 10.10.2012

Year : 2000

Year : 2000


Encoder : Dbpoweramp Release 14.2

Quality : 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo

Songs : 24

CD Songs : 24

Playtime : 146:10 min

Company : n/a

Size : 335.08 MB

Streetdate : 00.00.0000

Type : Album

Source : CDDA

Language : English

Catalognr : n/a

MyReleaseNo : 6


[ ReleaseNotes ]



[ GroupNews ]


[ Tracklist ]


01.Nimbus - Subconscious Mind [05:51]

02.Deep & Wide - Seven Seas [05:26]

03.Envers Du Plan - I Want Your Love [07:39]

04.Trⁿby Trio - Prima Vera [06:19]

05.Fluff - Mums [06:35]

06.Afterlife - Falling [05:37]

07.Horns of Plenty - Altogether Blue [06:22]

08.Amalgamation of Soundz, the - Enchant Me [07:03]

09.Single Cell Orchestra - Transmit Liberation [06:42]

10.Ypey - Behind the Screen [04:30]

11.Moodorama - Jazz Tip [04:46]

12.La Rocca - Island of God [03:32]

13.Solaris Heights - Elementis [07:28]

14.Mental Generation - Cafe Del Mar [08:22]

15.Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene 4 [04:18]

16.Dave Stewart/candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here [04:19]

17.Jon & Vangelis - So Long Ago, So Clear [05:02]

18.Foundland - Cloud Pattern [06:07]

19.Brightlight - Feeling Weird [06:26]

20.Tony Stevens - Good Night the Sun [04:51]

21.Andreas Vollenweider - Behind the Gardens/behind the [07:14]

Wall/under the Tree

22.Cafe Del Mar - Irish Women [05:55]

23.Christian Alvad - Rite [08:37]

24.Garland L. Subrahaniam - Offering of Love [07:09]


146:10 min

146:10 min

335.08 MB



Download Here






2012 DVDRip


Eva Angelina, Brooklyn Lee, Misty Stone, Evan Stone, Jessie Rogers, Ryan Driller, Seth Gamble, Tommy Pistol, Raven Bay



Molly and Sam's love for each other is like none other. It runs so deep that when Sam is murdered his spirit remains on earth to be with her. Along with the company of a shady psychic, they embark on a journey together that leads to some unworldly sex as well as the truth in Sam's untimely demise!







Download Here





Alanah Rae, Alison Tyler, Amber Rayne, Aurora Snow, Barry Scott, Bill Bailey, Brandy Aniston, Charley Chase, Chris Johnson, Dick Chibbles, Evan Stone, India Summer, Nina Hartley, Richie, Rocco Reed, Seth Gamble



Download Here


i just saw it hahahahahahahaha




I have noticed this satanic devils get their kicks out of abusing animals and harassing people, what is wrong with them? why are they like this? are they just pure evil?

:you serious?:




Genre: Horror

Size: 1.70 GB

Quality: 1080p

Resolution: 1920*816

Frame Rate: 23.976 fps

Language: English

Subtitles: English

Run Time: 1hr 51 min

IMDB Rating: 7.6/10


Download Here









CD 1:

01: Kesha – Die Young (Dallas K Extended Mix) (05:49)

02: Avicii – Last Dance (Original Club Instrumental) (06:45)

03: Florida – I Cry (New Version) (03:39)

04: Ne Yo – Let Me Love You (Bob Sinclar Extended) (06:07)

05: Carlprit – Fiesta (Michael Mind Project Remix) (05:25)

06: RIO Feat U Jean – Summer Jam (Extended Mix) (04:27)

07: Peter Luts – Everyday (Original Mix) (05:42)

08: Stone & Van Linden Feat Lyck – Into The Light (Re Worked Extended) (05:38)

09: Chris Brown – Dont Wake Me Up (Panic City Remix Extended) (05:26)

10: Usher – Numb (Wideboys Club Mix) (06:08)


CD 2:

01: David Guetta Feat Sia – She Wolf (Michael Calfan Remix) (05:56)

02: Swedish House Mafia Feat John Martin – Dont You Worry Child (PromiseLand Remix) (05:39)

03: Joachim Garraud Feat A Girl And A Gun – Maximus (Club Mix) (05:41)

04: Armin Van Buuren – We Are Here To Make Some Noise (Extended Mix) (05:12)

05: Hardwell & Showtek – How We Do (Original Mix) (05:26)

06: Mathieu Bouthier Feat Sophie Ellis Bextor – Beautiful (Club Mix) (05:34)

07: Alex Gaudino Feat Taboo – I Dont Wanna Dance (Original Mix) (06:02)

08: Norman Doray And Nervo Feat Cookie – Something To Believe In (Original) (05:50)

09: Eddie Thoneick & Norman Doray – Celsius (Original Mix) (05:46)

10: Arno Cost – Lifetime (Original Mix) (06:38)


CD 3:

01: Jack Holiday & Mike Candys – The Riddle Anthem (Original Mix) (04:52)

02: Otto Knows – Million Voices (Original Mix) (05:54)

03: Alesso Feat Matthew Koma – Years (Vocal Extended Mix) (04:33)

04: Rightless – You Re The One (Club Extended Mix) (05:47)

05: Sharon Doorson – Fail In Love (Extended Mix) (05:09)

06: Basto – I Rave You (Original Mix) (05:26)

07: Sander Van Doorn & Mayaeni – Nothing Inside (Extended Mix) (05:04)

08: Sublime – Forever Loved (Extended Mix) (05:32)

09: Alors – On This Beat (Extended Mix) (04:49)

10: Jutty Ranx – I see You (Mathieu Bouthier Remix) (06:31)


CD 4:

01: Dj Mams – Fiesta Buena (Extended Version) (04:09)

02: Alex Ferrari – Guere Guere (Extended Mix) (05:45)

03: Jose De Rico & Henry Mendez Feat Jay Santos – Noche De Estrellas (Extended Mix) (05:24)

04: Ocean Drive – Revolution (Extended Mix) (05:15)

05: Hold Up – Gimme One Chance (Extended Mix) (05:00)

06: Mico C – You LL Be Mind (Muttonheads Remix) (05:40)

07: Michael Mind Project Feat Dante Thomas – Nothing Last Forever (Extended Mix) (05:36)

08: Radio Project – Celebration (Leve Ton Verre) (AMT Extended) (04:17)

09: Antoine Vs Mad Mark – Broadway (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2K12 Remix) (05:38)

10: Kylian Mash VS Angelika Vee – Cash Out (04:35)







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