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Need some scripts



Hello guys, i was looking for some scripts for L2JFROZEN PACK:


1. Clan crest on npc.

2. Anti bots(L2Tower, L2net...)

3. Auto HopZone/TopZone reward( i found some, but i dont which is best)

4. and i need to edit this http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=262841.0 to l2jfrozen :)

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http://www.l2jfrozen.com/forum/index.php?topic=2831.0 its the npc crest mod

also you post that in wrong section


thanks man... :)


2. Anti bots(L2Tower, L2net...)


All u can do about this is buying a good protection.

Best so far is the lame LameGuard

i am thinking aboout very easy system(but i dont know how to make it) every xx mins you scould write a word like "server name" if you dont do it in xx s you get paralysed until you write what word or comand.
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thanks man... :)

i am thinking aboout very easy system(but i dont know how to make it) every xx mins you scould write a word like "server name" if you dont do it in xx s you get paralysed until you write what word or comand.

There's a script to bypass your ''antibot script''. So, the thing you're asking is useless :)
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There's a script to bypass your ''antibot script''. So, the thing you're asking is useless :)


the script in frozen disconect player, so they won't be able to leave char afk, because they will be disconected, so i need that they will be freezed

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