to accounts table sto frozen einai sto loginserver_Beta... ti prepei na kanw? dokimasa na balw to accouns table sto gameserver_beta k doulebei dn m vgazei error.. ala molis kanoun reg dn benoun sto gameserver_beta to account..
Hello I'm facing some problems with seven sings on my l2off pack when I start it , when the event starts spawns NPCs ..everything good , but when the seal validation restart or ends whole NPCs/monster are deleted from game and respawned ...ofc the NPC server it's like closing up...if some one could help me up with this problem or has and idea what could be I would appreciate it!
Gia sas exw frozen pack rev 982 kai exw balei to . .
kai moy vgazei auto to error sto gameserver...
opws blepete leei com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'gameserver_bet
a.accounts' doesn't exist
to accounts table sto frozen einai sto loginserver_Beta... ti prepei na kanw? dokimasa na balw to accouns table sto gameserver_beta k doulebei dn m vgazei error.. ala molis kanoun reg dn benoun sto gameserver_beta to account..
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