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International Facebook Page - 300.000 likes - Growing everyday without effort!


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Growing day by day without even posting...


Last year on 28/12/12 Friv had 40.000 fans.

Today, 12/1/13, one year later it has 300.000 fans.

That means +260k fans in one year without any effort.


Also, at least 100.000 people reach our page per week and 30.000-40.000 at least see every single post.


We have 300-400+ daily new likes and finally apart from the 300.000 fans we have, these people have in total 53.212.068 friends.


Numbers are like that without ANY effort. Someone who will use the page daily can make it and keep it really active. It's common sense I think...


Btw, some recent stats.

width=1024 height=483http://i49.tinypic.com/295e4j5.png[/img]



No standard price, pm me with your offer.


Why to buy it?

[*] Growing rapidly without ANY effort.

[*] International page.

[*] It's the biggest Friv page on Facebook (that's a big plus if you deal with it in a right way).







P.S Do NOT pm me if you wanna buy it 50 euros. ((:

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only 3k talk about page..

page is useless :D

If this is truth, so Mix is right.

What's the meaning having a site with 300k likes and only 3k talk about this?

You can have a page with 10k and 7k talk about this.


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If this is truth, so Mix is right.

What's the meaning having a site with 300k likes and only 3k talk about this?

You can have a page with 10k and 7k talk about this.


at dec 2012 +10k likes 14k ppl talking about this page


gl with your sell magaki

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If this is truth, so Mix is right.

What's the meaning having a site with 300k likes and only 3k talk about this?

You can have a page with 10k and 7k talk about this.



First of all this...


at dec 2012 +10k likes 14k ppl talking about this page


gl with your sell magaki


Secondly, yes it has 3k talking about WITHOUT ANY FAKING EFFORT.

My latest post on the page yesterday has 2k likes, 700 shares, 300 comments.

What's my point? If someone is willing to work a little, he can keep the page really active and take advantage of it.


I told you already, I own the page one year and I have made 50 posts max. Results? 2k-3k new likes per week. Imagine what can happen if you're using it regularly and promoting it as well.

I did NOT try to promote it in any way. When I got it, it had 40k likes and they were increased to 300k doing..nothing!


So, don't be so sure that the page is useless. You will NOT find pages being that active without any effort..

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So, just to show that it's really easy to make the page active.

I just made ONE post on Saturday 19/1. People talking about were 3k before the post.

Do you know how many they're 2 days later?


Well, check the graph out on your own...



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