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Scammer Venus


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This guy i was trying to do a trade with him and he ran with the stuff :)


he even pmed me with hello on private


if needed more proffs ic an give you

Offline VenuS©


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« Sent to: Excellsion on: Today at 12:09:19 AM »

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This guy i was trying to do a trade with him and he ran with the stuff :)


he even pmed me with hello on private


if needed more proffs ic an give you

Offline VenuS©


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« Sent to: Excellsion on: Today at 12:09:19 AM »

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Well,first of all try to focus on something, describe what happend,how you get scammed,and post some proofs[skype Converstation,Pictures] will help very mutch.
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here he removed some of chats i have some above when he wanted to tell me to try with paysafe and i told him i want paypal so he came other day when he said he is ready , after he got his goods he ran away




and here i spoke to him ig , i decided to give him first since he said he was scammed , wasnt so big amount so im not worry but at least i get him banned




he pmed me on forum to prove is he and he is vip member to trust him

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here he removed some of chats i have some above when he wanted to tell me to try with paysafe and i told him i want paypal so he came other day when he said he is ready , after he got his goods he ran away




and here i spoke to him ig , i decided to give him first since he said he was scammed , wasnt so big a-beep-t so im not worry but at least i get him banned




he pmed me on forum to prove is he and he is vip member to trust him


The conversation isn't so clearly...;/

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well i can give posts from above where he didnt delete , he deleted last hour where he said he is this venus here and he pmed me on forum


The moderators I think that will help you.

Until then(If you are not a lier) you can just wait.

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