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Hello guys, i would like some help when it comes to runes.. what's the best runes for the 5 diferent rolles ? I mean, some general runes, not for specific champion.. for example, top ad runes, top ap runes, adc runes etc etc. thanks !


armor pen



about quit dunno,speed or atk speed.


But listen Noble,isnt something sure for all the lanes.


If your enemy pushes you, then you lose with these runes.


[gr] 3erw alla thelei kt "geniko" :D


Γενικό είναι το AD mark, armor seal, mr glyph, AD/MS quint


Τα armor pen δε θεωρούνται γενικά από τότε που φάγανε nerf το 2010...


Γενικό είναι το AD mark, armor seal, mr glyph, AD/MS quint


Τα armor pen δε θεωρούνται γενικά από τότε που φάγανε nerf το 2010...


an dn kanw lathos,me to teleutaio patch boostaran to penetration...


an dn kanw lathos,me to teleutaio patch boostaran to penetration...


Το έκαναν boost με τρόπο ώστε να είναι αποτελεσματικό περισσότερο στο late game. Τα runes τα χρειάζεσαι περισσότερο για το early game.


Επιπλέον, για να μη γίνουν OP οι αλλαγές στο armor pen, κάνανε nerf τα armor pen runes.


w/e... Wiiz bro, sorry for greek.


Here's what I think general rune pages should look like...


AD Carry: AD marks, flat armor seals, mr glyphs, AD quints

AP Carry: Magic pen marks, flat armor seals, mr glyphs, AP quints

Top: depends on the champion you're playing. Both AD and AP carry runes can work, but you might want to use MS quints sometimes

Support: Anything as long as you can have some armor... You might also like to have gold per second runes

Jungle: For support junglers like Shen, Rammus, Nunu etc you can use AS marks, flat armor seals, mr glyphs, MS quints. For the rest AD and AP carry runes can work just fine.

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