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i tried the following with IG-Walker:

- dualbox

- Walker with box 1 (success)

- Walker with box 2 (fail)


I tried it month before with OOG and worked good. With IG don't work.

Not sure why but i get an error, seems that the programm don't like to be startet twice. Need to use IG, cause OOG is unable to run.


Need this for some partys, f.e. party-spoiling with healsupport.


So is there any way to Dual-bot-boxing?


thx 4 help


The steps u should follow are the following:


1. Run L2Walker.exe





2. Hide It





3. Do this 124125125pl9.jpg 3 times for example if you want 3 l2clients with the walker ''injected''



PS: If you load more tha two clients with IG walker, the pc will be laggy :/


Hi, thx for hint...


but it dosent work for me. The attachment shows the error. But i think you also cant read it ;) . I tried like you discribed. It's L2Walker 1.47, use it cause it works easy with l@auth_srv.


But it wouldn't work like you discribed, cause i play on DNet, where the special Loader is needed. I activate it ingame and works fine, but cant right klick "run lineage".


So long...



WinXP pro SP2, 1024 MB Ram, MSI-Board with Intel-Chipset, P4 2400 GHz, Grafik ATI ASUS 6900 Series, 2 HDD 120 / 200 GB and audigy2 soundcard if it helps ;) ...

all drivers are mostly actually, like windows securityupdates...

and as i remember there is no unusual configuration, and i mostly know what i do, its my job :D


the MS .NetFramework2.0 is needed? i installed yesterday, but not tested (maybe later @ home), read that it is nessesary for some programs to run... (but in single run, walker runs)


so long... ty

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