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H5 L2Off or L2J?

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Well, was like 1 year ago that i played H5 (l2.ws) so i'm starting to play again but some time ago i read that l2j can't have the reuse glitch from l2off but now there are some l2j (like a l2j-scripts or something like that) with the glitch, i really don't know if it's true or if it's work properly so i want know how much l2j projects have the glitch and if they work 100%, people like l2off more than l2j because it don't have the auto attack after every skill, so i want to know if exist l2j without the auto attack, i mean is possible to play a l2j with features like l2off? because is becoming really hard to find a good l2off h5, almost every l2off h5 is from russia so the ping in America is higher than usual... some opinions and information about it will be great (or share a server l2off h5 from america will be good too xD).



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i Prefer you L2Off but its cost a lot of money fron L2J Acis Good Pack 8) you can try it.


i don't mean to create a server, i mean to play in one, the thing is that i play with duelist and without the reuse glitch (macro) and with the auto attack it become very useless for example in front of OP Mages + Anakim, that's why i ask if exist servers l2j or a specific pack with at least the macro glitch (if i have the specific pack that have the glich will be easier found a server where i can play :D)... i know that the l2off h5 cost a lot of money that's why i say that is really hard find a good server h5 (hosted in America or with ping 120 or less) with the glitch ^^



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Do you tryed RPG club new h5 server? I saw some NA partys playing here (with battleping ofc) without any problems.


idk about that program, long time that i don't use it, the thing is, there is no l2j pack (h5) with at least the macro glitch?

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L2J is fairly advanced and stable(somehow) on High Five, so we can say that L2OFF was exceeded, little chance to find servers using the platform L2OFF from the latest chronicles appeared.


yeah, but ppl want servers with the macro glitch, most of them are duelists like me xD that's why i want to know if exist l2j pack with the glitch :P

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