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How to secure a password


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The first step for online security is a secure password. Everyday millions of passwords are being hacked because users don’t pay much attention to secure their password’s.


So here is some Do and Don’t to secure your password:




  • Use personal information that could be easily guessed or accessed, like your birthday (which happens more often than you might think) — it’s easy for you to remember, but easy for someone shady to find
  • Use actual words that you can find in actual language (any language)
  • Use the same password for all of your accounts



DO :


  • Use a different password for each account
  • Combine capital letters, numbers and special characters
  • Change your password once every three months or so — and immediately if a site notifies you of a security breach
  • If you are using Firefox: use the Master Password feature in Firefox


By now you’re probably thinking, “I can’t remember my keys in the morning. How am I supposed to remember all these new passwords all the time?”


Here are a few steps to creating easy-to-remember passwords that are still secure.



1. Choose a phrase — let’s try “My name is Romeo and i am happy.”

2. Use the first letter in each word and capitalize the first one: Mniaaiah (M>> My, n>>name, i>>is, a>>Romeo, a>>and, i>>i, a>>am, h>>happy.)

3. Make it stronger by adding a special character: Mniaaiah!

4. Now, associate it with each website you log in to. For example, you could use YT for YouTube, FB for Facebook, your bank’s initials — you get the point. So your password would now look like this:


YTMniaaiah! (for YouTube)

FBMniaaiah! (for Facebook)


Choosing secure passwords will go a long way to keeping you safe online.

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