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classic [L2j]L2NewClassic REBORN - New* Unique PvP Server [Start 30.11.2012]

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Slab why you shut up?

And now, you will write: I dont refresh mxc forum all time like u, yes?

You dont have courage to speak us how many times u failed?:) hey guys, I see perfect admin here

i do not speak with idiots like you, go fuk ur self dump.

so first you should read something about ddos company which you choose

if u are fuking big master, go open ur own server before u act like kid other admins.

You can see much speacial things, which u cant see in game at other servers. I cant write features server like spam for full info about server. You have just to check it after login.

It wont be spam, come on show us those neeew feautures ...


why? you dont have courage to speak us ? you are P.U.S.S.Y :) ok end. Good luck (u need this)

because u dont speak anything with sense, so go to home and put one small block in own room.

cause everything is same, you have all the same feautures with any other l2j pvp server.




so u have to check it again, because its not the same, and in game is custom farm and economic system, there is now 12x special rb, stats is setted as it was at l2gold and much other things i change. You can speak about something what u never seen.

Ok , thats what i call new and cool.

Developing L2OFF servers with java?

its mean that i do not make any custom on server, and left it and build as l2official server.

you think this fail have new feautures? :) He just said it to bring more ppl..

[pl]Jestes zalosnym kretynem, pewnie masz 16 lat i prosisz matke codzienie o zlotowke bo takie wrazenie sprawiasz. Jak ci sie nie podoba to po huj wogole lajzo tutaj cokolwiek piszesz i ujawniasz swoje zale pod moim postem. Mysle ze jestes tak zlosliwym frajerem ze poprostu reklamujesz inny serwer i chetnie bym sprawdzil twoje ip wziol auto i podjechal do ciebie zlapac cie za kark zebys sie zeszczal w gacie dzieciaku. [/pl]

[pl]Jestes zalosnym kretynem, pewnie masz 16 lat i prosisz matke codzienie o zlotowke bo takie wrazenie sprawiasz. Jak ci sie nie podoba to po huj wogole lajzo tutaj cokolwiek piszesz i ujawniasz swoje zale pod moim postem. Mysle ze jestes tak zlosliwym frajerem ze poprostu reklamujesz inny serwer i chetnie bym sprawdzil twoje ip wziol auto i podjechal do ciebie zlapac cie za kark zebys sie zeszczal w gacie dzieciaku. [/pl]


skonczyles? wypowiadam sie na temat serwera, ten dzial do tego sluzy :) A moze mam reklamowac Twoj serwer? nie ma co reklamowac, polski sh1t nic wiecej. zobaczymy na starcie serwera jak Wam pojdzie, elo !

Brzoza pocisnij mi jeszcze ze nie znam angielskiego, jak ja to lubie :)

sry for polish language..

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