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Looking for a few experienced L2 staff members for my upcoming server. Yes I am aware the community is packed full of fail servers and the player base has become highly "Nomadic" which makes it quite hard for a server to succeed. But - I miss the old days of packed highly competitive servers with booming economies and huge wars.


I want am going to do my best to try and bring those days back. I will give a brief idea of what the server will be about. Keep in mind this is in the very early stages and I fully expect it to be a few months before we open.


Server Details


Platform - Interlude [OFF] Vanganth


Location - Switzerland


Bot/Exploit Protection -  Server is secured against all known bots, exploits, and 3rd party programs such as auto clickers


DDOS/DOS Protection - Server and site located on a protected network that specializes in DDOS mitigation. We will be protected against any attack up to 10 Gbit/sec. A attack that exceeds that is extremely unlikely. The largest attack I know of on a private server is 5 Gbit/sec on Celes (Azure).


Rates -  It will be low rate I have not yet decided on the exact rates.


Donations - Too early to say but there will be minimal donations and definitely nothing that will imba the server.


The goal of this project is not to bring anything new or earth shattering to the game but to provide people with a secure, stable, and professionally run server. People do not have to worry that the server will be taken down after a few days because of a DDOS or exploit. Our protection is extremely good. I am a systems administrator by trade so I know a little about it :)




I am posting this very early because I need to get to know any potential staff members very well before I bring them in. If you are interested in any of the positions listed below you must meet a few requirements:


-- You must know Interlude very well and I am not talking about playing on L2J servers. You must also be a Low Rate guy/gal as obviously gameplay differs as does the player base between low, mid, and high rates.


-- Your English must be very good (both written and spoken). The server will be English speaking only in main chats (trade, all, and hero).


-- You need to be on IRC whenever online. Be prepared to hangout with me on IRC for a few months if you want to become staff.


-- You must be mature, patient, and able to keep your cool when dealing with people. L2 players can be a little "salty". :P


Staff Positions


1 Forum Moderator

1 Event GM

1 Game Master

1 Advertising Rep

All staff will also double as IRC moderators.


There is no ETA for the server and I expect it will be a few months. There is a ton of work to do. I am currently putting together a marketing plan which will begin 1 month before the server opens and this will be a integral part of making the server a great experience for people. I will be focusing on SEO (the competition for L2 related keywords is very low), we will have banners on all major sites such as pmfun, mxc, hopzone, etc. I will be writing a press release and having it released on L2 related blogs, and more. This should bring real good traffic, I also plan to target new players that have not played before.


I am a old-school low rate player and have been playing the game [OFF] only servers since C1 so I know the game well. In fact it is the only game I have really played and I most likely will be playing it 10-15 years from now. I hope we can make this a server of old!


Join me on IRC







Just a couple updates. I finalized the deal on DDOS protection, bandwidth costs, and price for co-location of the server today. I will be setting up some vbulletin forums later today so people can join if they like and ask questions. It will also give me a handy place to document and record everything. The main site will be a combination of wordpress and dragoneye cms. It will not be ready for at least a few weeks, maybe longer.


But the ball is rolling. I will be posting up a test IP that is in the same DC as the server will be co-located and I encourage people to run ping tests and tracerts on it and post the results in the forum. This will help us identify any routing issues before the server launches. The DC will work with us on the BG Mix so we can fix some routing issues if they are on the DC side of things.



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