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First to say i do not own this server , and its br , Server alive since 12 October !



Exilium + ShawtyGotCrunk, Aden Siege @ L2Alucard (BishopPOV)




Platform L2OFF - Official Files;

- Server No Custom - Retail Itens;

- Rates: Exp: 100x / Sp: 100x / Adena: 200x

- Version: Interlude (C6) L2OFF;

- Auto Learn Skill - Less skill divine inspiration;

- Auto Loot - (Automatic Pick up);

- Balanced classes;

- 1ª, 2ª e 3ª Classes do not need Quest;

- Subclass - quest items are sold on GM Shop

- Nobless: Retail Quest - Items needed in Gm Shop;

- No skill augment

- NPC Shops.

- Global GK.

- Hero System 100%

- Geodata 100% working.



- Armors [ C ], [ B ], [ A ] on sale for Adena and [ S ] Items are crafted with drop of farm areas;



- AIO Buff System with all Buffs;

- NPC Buffer (Suport Buffs);

- Buff Protect Skill (Protects against buffs);

- Slot Buffs: 20 + 4 Divine Inspiration = 24 Slot's of Buffs;



- Events: TvT (TeamVsTeam);

- 20:00 begins the Olympiadas and will close at 00:00 pm(-3GMT) Brazil;

- Olympiad from 15 in 15 Days;



- Farm System: Custom-Areas;

- Chaotic Zone in Big Boss area: Area PvP;

- Queen Ant and Zaken : Level 80;

Additional Information

- Protection SQLI on our Website ;

- DDOS Protection Attack;

- Protection against Walker, Net, Tower or any other BOT.

- Website hosted in the company Hyperfilter


Respawn Boss


- Barakiel: Level 80 : Respawn 4 Hours;

- Ant Queen: Level 80: Respawn: 24 H +/- 1 Hour;

- Zaken: Level 80 : Respawn 48 H +/- 1 Hour;

- Baium: Respawn 72 H +/- 1 Hora;

- Frintezza: Respawn 72 H +/- 1 Hour;[hide]

- Antharas: Respawn 96 H +/- 1 Hour;

- Valakas: Respawn 120 H +/- 1 Hour;



Diseases of Hot's Springs

- AIO's do not have diseases such as buff's.

- They can be purchased at their respective mob's, in the Hot's Springs region.











In site says: L2 Alucard now begins November 12

In forum: [Alucard L2OFF] - Opening 12 October

they are br's what did u expect ;)


People online ?


there is no info :( . But a lot . And br no emo quit server fast , often long lifetime .



server is not l2off he uses l2java! who knows a little about l2 can log in and confirms it


no it has typical npc delays after restart etc. i think its l2off .


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