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I want to introduce one classic c4 server that is going to open in 27th October


L2Dementil C4 Server Information





Xp = 15

Sp = 20

PartyXp = 1

PartySp = 1

Adena drop: x15

Drop: x15

Seal Stones drop: x15


General Information


24 Buff Slot's

20 min Buff Time

2 min Dance/Song Time

Full Retail Subclass, 3rd class , Noblesse etc. Quest

1st, 2nd and 3rd class by quest

Only Dualbox Allowed

C4 off files


Quest Rates


Quest drop: x15

Quest adena reward: x10

Quest reward: x10



Grand Boss Rates


AdenaBoss = 15

ItemsBoss = 15



Raid Boss Rates


AdenaRaid = 15

ItemsRaid = 15



Enchant Rates


SafeEnchantFull = 4

SafeEnchant = 3

MaxEnchant = 16

NormalChance = 66%

BlessChance = 70%

CrystalChance = 75%





SoulCrystalBreakChance = 10

SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32


OlympiadAltOlyPeriod = 2 WEEK's


Siege's Work

And more ..!!!

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