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[Help] Looking for a fix !!!!



So i was trying to do some tests on my La2Guard HB L2OFF files and after i set up everything by the book i got this shit :


Yes im using HB client...

Any hints of what the hell is this ? And how to fix ?

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lin2log isn't a standard DB.


Atleast not that i remember - if your using the log server it's a mismatch of the arguments send by the logserver and\or dll on cacheD that's trying to send it.



Hence why stating your problem, version, dll and other crap is important.

Else it's impossible to figure out if it's a native error or coded error from an ext.

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I think when LogD popped up asking for ODBC information and the name by default written was linworld, he instead of changing it to lin2log, he changed it to lin2world. Am i right xOutlaw ? It happens a lot with newbies.

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I think when LogD popped up asking for ODBC information and the name by default written was linworld, he instead of changing it to lin2log, he changed it to lin2world. Am i right xOutlaw ? It happens a lot with newbies.

Cant answer properly cause i havent made the settings on what you just mentioned, was a friend that did them.

I`ll get back on it as soon as i get answer from him.

Looking into it.

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lin2log isn't a standard DB.


Atleast not that i remember - if your using the log server it's a mismatch of the arguments send by the logserver and\or dll on cacheD that's trying to send it.



Hence why stating your problem, version, dll and other crap is important.

Else it's impossible to figure out if it's a native error or coded error from an ext.

LogD info :



CacheD info :





Also i found this on a ru site : http://www.mmocom.ru/showthread.php?t=3179&page=1

Could that fix for the lin_checklogtimetable2 work ?


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I'm not asking for versions or anything, just delete the ODBC's and made them again. At least lin2world file DSN and lin2log file DSN.

I posted those for "mcbigmac" , yes im planin on doin` that as soon as i get my host back up.

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Yes Sighed you were right the connection was at lin2world and not lin2log, easy fix thank you.

Right now im left with this error :


Tho i have the specific file in the right location and before 3 days i didnt got this error o_O.


Thank you for the help guys, much apreciated, looking forward to fix this issue that is left.


Plus im looking for a PetitionD server that would work with HB files...can't find a proper working one.




EDIT : I generated a new pathnode with pathmaker 2.5 and the result was the same.

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What are you using for HB project ? Get a proper GeoData, by the way, all pathnode files should be in geo folder.  And PetitionD has some weird way for installation, at least the one that seems to install as a service, the other one that has a GUI, don't work, the protocol is old, seems to be C1 or something, so figure out how to use the one as service, or get the C1 and extend it, or forget about it, it would be cool to have PetitionD service, but if you think, almost nobody use it, so its pointless.

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What are you using for HB project ? Get a proper GeoData, by the way, all pathnode files should be in geo folder.  And PetitionD has some weird way for installation, at least the one that seems to install as a service, the other one that has a GUI, don't work, the protocol is old, seems to be C1 or something, so figure out how to use the one as service, or get the C1 and extend it, or forget about it, it would be cool to have PetitionD service, but if you think, almost nobody use it, so its pointless.

What do you mean..."what im using" ?!?! And when i bought the files the lol russian didnt gave me geodata... :/

Im trying to find something proper...and pathnode...same story as geodata...

About PetitionD i know its useless but id like to have it working, and i have a PetitionD server and its working but seems that is not connecting onto the L2Server.


Looking for a PetitionD server that would work with HB files and a Geodata & Pathnode...

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