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Sorry guys my wrong, ddos it is true ! I played there and was fail. This is another homemade( i am admin not gm hahahah) server. Ignorance and arogance ! Sorry for ppl who made ddos:D close this .... 4 ever plz !!! BTW 1 dagger PW is gm char-modify:P WE TEST IT(p deff higher than tank:P):P


Corrupt gm huh?

You mean like this huh http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=250696.0 ???


If thats true..., im laughing, incompetence players who know nothing about l2 and need to overenchant, even overenchant lost vs me trololololol


Sorry guys my wrong, ddos it is true ! I played there and was fail. This is another homemade( i am admin not gm hahahah) server. Ignorance and arogance ! Sorry for ppl who made ddos:D close this .... 4 ever plz !!! BTW 1 dagger PW is gm char-modify:P WE TEST IT(p deff higher than tank:P):P


:)) this is one fail post by a fail kid.. u have no chance in pvp, everyone is bullling on server and now u decided to stop playing and u wanna talk trash about server so ppl can leave.. DUDE UR NOT THE ADMIN OF SERVER , ur just a polish kid with no friends playing l2 in the basement.. try again harder moron ! :)


HAHAHA now i'am sure its corrupted:D (When i open my serv i also will play and cheat there haha) Guys its HOMEMADE server with corrupted administration who play there their edited characters:D !AnOTher FaiL seRvER doNe BY KIDs!


HAHAHA now i'am sure its corrupted:D (When i open my serv i also will play and cheat there haha) Guys its HOMEMADE server with corrupted administration who play there their edited characters:D !AnOTher FaiL seRvER doNe BY KIDs!


i see u suffering over there..show any proofs and i believe u, but untill then, cry more because u die from 2 shots. even new ppl killed u with +0 items lol :))


Sorry guys my wrong, ddos it is true ! I played there and was fail. This is another homemade( i am admin not gm hahahah) server. Ignorance and arogance ! Sorry for ppl who made ddos:D close this .... 4 ever plz !!! BTW 1 dagger PW is gm char-modify:P WE TEST IT(p deff higher than tank:P):P


I'm sure you havent neither items +16 and i wont talk about skills...Before you post your QQ reply,try to proof it that your words are true and dont just say it . Many kids like you that get owned ,they emoquit and make qq posts.Nowdays every kid learn the word "ddos" and when somethnig it happends they already spamm "ddos" !

What test you made ffs?So if you made test post the video or the screens with your tests...With my gh that had vesper items+0 i killed noob paladins that tried to pk me...so pls,just gtfo.


I'm sure you havent neither items +16 and i wont talk about skills...Before you post your QQ reply,try to proof it that your words are true and dont just say it . Many kids like you that get owned ,they emoquit and make qq posts.Nowdays every kid learn the word "ddos" and when somethnig it happends they already spamm "ddos" !

What test you made ffs?So if you made test post the video or the screens with your tests...With my gh that had vesper items+0 i killed noob paladins that tried to pk me...so pls,just gtfo.

Looser:D I never write ntng before i dont test it:P


:)) this is one fail post by a fail kid.. u have no chance in pvp, everyone is bullling on server and now u decided to stop playing and u wanna talk trash about server so ppl can leave.. DUDE UR NOT THE ADMIN OF SERVER , ur just a polish kid with no friends playing l2 in the basement.. try again harder moron ! :)


dude im wondering why ur not banned from MXC yet with this barbarian language against a innocence guy like me who speaks the truth which u cant stand it since ur mega corrupted gm ! xaxa and guess what ,i didnt even logged in this lol server


"I have no chance for pvp" trololol

ok gl doing 965 pvps in 1 day or 2 k oly points in 1 week, when u do this... u can say that u little random monkey, such pathetic nonsense coming from random kid who struggles to be badass w/o proof TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


You just made my day son, i hope you will have a very nice life in future


dude im wondering why ur not banned from MXC yet with this barbarian language against a innocence guy like me who speaks the truth which u cant stand it since ur mega corrupted gm ! xaxa and guess what ,i didnt even logged in this lol server


"I have no chance for pvp" trololol

ok gl doing 965 pvps in 1 day or 2 k oly points in 1 week, when u do this... u can say that u little random monkey, such pathetic nonsense coming from random kid who struggles to be badass w/o proof TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


You just made my day son, i hope you will have a very nice life in future


RO: [ prietene nici nu vorbeam cu tine, nush dc sari asa, vorbeam de fraieru ala care tot vb prostii despre server k habar nu are sa faca un pvp.]



Knipex i bet u didn't even log on server, and u just do ur job, to say bad things about servers, cuz u got bored because nobody is talking to u and u suffer because of attention.. i'm all day logged in and i didn't saw even 1 player crying about getting scammed.where those ideas appear in ur head man? are u nuts? go to doctor don't log on maxcheaters.


RO: [ prietene nici nu vorbeam cu tine, nush dc sari asa, vorbeam de fraieru ala care tot vb prostii despre server k habar nu are sa faca un pvp.]



Knipex i bet u didn't even log on server, and u just do ur job, to say bad things about servers, cuz u got bored because nobody is talking to u and u suffer because of attention.. i'm all day logged in and i didn't saw even 1 player crying about getting scammed.where those ideas appear in ur head man? are u nuts? go to doctor don't log on maxcheaters.


all day? :OO dude make a break, go to eat atleast :O


RO: M-am grabit sa citesc si m-am prostit, S0RRY! :))  :'(


e ok np, patesc si eu destul de des :P



merfis if im logged in all day doesn't mean i play 24/7.. maybe the words away from keyboard are unusual to u . do me a favour and think before u post!


e ok np, patesc si eu destul de des :P



merfis if im logged in all day doesn't mean i play 24/7.. maybe the words away from keyboard are unusual to u . do me a favour and think before u post!


then it makes no sense. U said u logged all day and dont see any cryer, now u say u can be logged but not play at that moment, so how u can be sure that no one cry? anyway u turn on l2 in your work? or leave logged in game when u go to work ( sounds more pathetic ) :D


then it makes no sense. U said u logged all day and dont see any cryer, now u say u can be logged but not play at that moment, so how u can be sure that no one cry? anyway u turn on l2 in your work? or leave logged in game when u go to work ( sounds more pathetic ) :D


dude go get a life and leave me alone, i think i gaved a coerent answer and a well one, if u are searching for flames or something else go to somebody else, i don't give free talks to anyone :D


then it makes no sense. U said u logged all day and dont see any cryer, now u say u can be logged but not play at that moment, so how u can be sure that no one cry? anyway u turn on l2 in your work? or leave logged in game when u go to work ( sounds more pathetic ) :D


10 bucks if you want a post from Blue now, give give

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