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[RnC] Facebook Cover

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Hello there, well this is the second time that I post something here.

And actually it's my second work after my Bon Jovi Wallpaper.

So I was asked by a guy from Facebook, who is a football player actually to create for him a Facebook Cover.

He gave me few imagies & some instructions about how he wanted the cover to be and I gave it a shot. So here is the outcome:



I know that the left side is pretty empty but I didn't know what to add, also there goes the Facebook profile picture which covers a good a-beep-t of the empty space.


Note that the quality and the best because I had low quality images to work with as well.

Any feedback is welcome! Be friendly this is my second work using Photoshop, I still newbie on that.

Kind Regards,


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Αρβανιτίδης Super Markets ftw :D

[GR] Δε θα σου συνιστούσα θα πάρεις ατλαντικά από τον κύριο! xD

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