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[modded L2J] HighFive - L2Silver x20 ( Beta 29.08.2012 )

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Closed Beta until 29.08.2012 ( Under more developing )


Open Beta 29.08.2012 - 07.09.2012 ( Players testing, reports, small tweeks)


Live Status 07.09.2012 20:00 GMT +1 ( Let the fun begin )








Please join our Website & Forum for more info, polls and constant updates !


* Name: L2Silver

* Chronicle: High Five

* Anti-bot Protection: On

* DDos Protection: On

* Geodata: On with Pathnodes

* Server Machine: Intel® Core™ i7-3930K Hexacore


In the late June, we have decided to start our own project


After working as collaborators for different packs or private projects, we have decided to start together and gather all the codes we wrote in one project


At that time we where not sure if it will work, if we will ever make it to a live server, but we decided it is unfair to us to work on something that will never be seen by players.


So, we started to write thoughts on paper, review old and actual servers, see what features players like, what complains they have, and make it as a unity of ideas that we considered good


Time will show if we toked the right decision, but whatever will happen, we will do our best to make it work


Like in any new project, there are unknown issues, new things will need all the time to be fixed, players will exploit every single thing that is not tested, rivers of QQ fill flow, but we will enjoy every single bit of it


Let the party start!



### Features: ###



XP Rate 20x ; Party Xp Rate 2x ; SP Rate 25x ; Party SP Rate 2x

Drop Items 15x ; Drop Adena 20x ; Drop Spoil 15x

Quest Reward 6x ; Quest Reward XP 7x ; Quest Reward Adena 2x

Raid Boss Drop 5x with Epic Jewels 1 or 2 for Baium\Antharas\Valakas ; 50% for Freya, Queen Ant, Tezza, Core, Orfen ; 85% for Zaken Night ; 3% for Zaken Low




### Miscellaneous: ###



Olympiad Quests Working.


3v3 Olympiad Working


Working & Tested H5 Items


Working & Tested H5 Skills


Working & Tested H5 Quests


Frintezza, Freya, Zaken in instance


The Hunting areas Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5


Working Seed of Anihilation + Raid Bosses


Max Buff count: 28+4


Max Dance count: 16


Triggered buffs dont overbuff


Safe Enchant: +4 ; Max Enchant: Retail


Normal Scroll Rate: 65% ; Blessed Scroll Rate: 75%


Elemental Stone Rate: 50% ; Elemental Crystal Rate: 33%


Max Subclass: 3 ; Max Subclass Level: 85; Subclass without QUEST




### Customs: ###



GM Shop ; NPC Scheme Buffer ; Global GK




Nexus Events ENGINE




Will be dedicated in Datacenter or a small home server?

What about hosting, where will be hosted in what Datacenter? US? (your game server, NOT your website).


Thanks and good luck!


__EDITED: Another thing because I was forgot to mention, this thing "Nexus Events ENGINE" will create lagg on your server like HELL! Use separated events (CTF, DM, King of The Hill, Round TvT, etc.)


Good luck!



Just "your opinion", right? :)

You don't like other L2 servers when you are admin on your empty L2 server or a simple newbie L2 player without server here on MxC. - This is my opinion..





Just "your opinion", right? :)

You don't like other L2 servers when you are admin on your empty L2 server or a simple newbie L2 player without server here on MxC. - This is my opinion..


Bad for you. My sever had 650 ppl online. ;o

Bad for you. I stopped l2 since i closed mine

Bad for you. I just join some servers to see the gameplay/features.


My opinion.


Bad for you. My sever had 650 ppl online. ;o

Bad for you. I stopped l2 since i closed mine

Bad for you. I just join some servers to see the gameplay/features.


My opinion.

+1. they open their mouth without even know to who person they mention !



__EDITED: Another thing because I was forgot to mention, this thing "Nexus Events ENGINE" will create lagg on your server like HELL! Use separated events (CTF, DM, King of The Hill, Round TvT, etc.)

one of most stupid things i ever heard.


+1. they open their mouth without even know to who person they mention !



Please keep posting relating to our server !


Will be dedicated in Datacenter or a small home server?

What about hosting, where will be hosted in what Datacenter? US? (your game server, NOT your website).


Thanks and good luck!


__EDITED: Another thing because I was forgot to mention, this thing "Nexus Events ENGINE" will create lagg on your server like HELL! Use separated events (CTF, DM, King of The Hill, Round TvT, etc.)


Don't you worry about this, of course it's a dedicated server and the Event ENGINE would not cause any lags at all !


Bad for you. My sever had 650 ppl online. ;o

Bad for you. I stopped l2 since i closed mine

Bad for you. I just join some servers to see the gameplay/features.


My opinion.

I see you have visit all l2 topic's and all the time you insult and say all the time "Homemade,nothing special"

Well i will answer you.

First you had 650 players online because there is no any freya ON.

You close your server because you care only about money.When you reach the money that you need,you close it.

You dont care about the players that played there,so 0 balance.

And keep you opinion for your self.


Lick more Maxtor balls for the unban.

And you did it.

Now go and cry somewhere else little spammer.


Btw good luck with your project mate.Wish you da best!!


@xD, vampir and L2jsilverfail

Too bad for MxC Community with these kids. Wahahahaha ..

Have a great fckng time with your 2 weeks max. FAIL servers.

He had 650+ for 5 days LoL.. Keep talking with your friends in your school :)))



You don't have more than 14 years old so you don't know anything about L2 in general.




I am out of this thread.. damn skiddies ;P


@xD, vampir and L2jsilverfail

Too bad for MxC Community with these kids. Wahahahaha ..

Have a great fckng time with your 2 weeks max. FAIL servers.

He had 650+ for 5 days LoL.. Keep talking with your friends in your school :)))



You don't have more than 14 years old so you don't know anything about L2 in general.




I am out of this thread.. damn skiddies ;P


sorry but there you are 14 years old kid


you spam everyfucking topic from yesterday and your ego is ....


@xD, vampir and L2jsilverfail

Too bad for MxC Community with these kids. Wahahahaha ..

Have a great fckng time with your 2 weeks max. FAIL servers.

He had 650+ for 5 days LoL.. Keep talking with your friends in your school :)))



You don't have more than 14 years old so you don't know anything about L2 in general.




I am out of this thread.. damn skiddies ;P

You are very low for me. I bet you know nothing kiddo. I can challenge you in what ever you want about Lineage. Stfu plox and dont be so jealous!

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