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Selling LoL Europe West account.




Level: 30


ELO: 1050


Rune pages: 4


Runes: AD; AP; Tank; Support


Champions owned: 60

Champions list: Ahri; Akali; Alistar; Amumu; Anivia; Annie; Ashe; Blitzcrank; Brand; Cho'Gath; Corki; Dr. Mundo; Evelynn; Fiddlesticks; Fiora; Fizz; Gangplank; Garen; Heimerdinger; Irelia; Janna; Jax; Karthus; Kassadin; Katarina; Kayle; Kennen; Lee Sin; Leona; Malphite; Maokai; Master Yi; Morgana; Nasus; Nidalee; Nocturne; Nunu; Olaf; Pantheon; Poppy; Rumble; Ryze; Shaco; Shyvana; Singed; Sion; Sivir; Skarner; Sona; Soraka; Taric; Teemo; Tristana; Tryndamere; Twisted Fate; Twitch; Veigar; Warwick; Ziggs; Zilean.


Skins owned: 13


Skins list: Crimson Akali; Unchained Alistar; Fisherman Fizz; Spooky Gangplank; Nightblade Irelia; Angler Jax; Phantom Karthus; Brolaf; Rumble in the Jungle; Workshop Shaco; Muse Sona; Armor of the Fifth Age Taric; Riot Girl Tristana.



Price: 30 euros via PayPal.



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