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IL or H5 pack for Low/Mid rate

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Good evening dudes, as i write in my topic i am searching for pack to buy to start configuring it that days for low/mid rate server with as many fixes as possible and i would like to hear your offers.


I search for IL and High5 because i am not sure yet what kind of server i will open, send me pm with your offer/price/ and pack services/events and custom npcs.


Thank you!

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Good evening dudes, as i write in my topic i am searching for pack to buy to start configuring it that days for low/mid rate server with as many fixes as possible and i would like to hear your offers.


I search for IL and High5 because i am not sure yet what kind of server i will open, send me pm with your offer/price/ and pack services/events and custom npcs.


Thank you!

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i dunno about full quests working but we are working atm on retail and custom we got full 7s full dv and loa and those things, if you want more info just send us a email to sales@l2jhidden.com

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Since 2~ months we're working 80% on retail things/fixs and 20% custom/pvp addons.

Check our changelog and retail features to know if it's good enough for you.

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Over 1000 skills. . . . . . ok I also believe on that.

Feel the irony.


And no, I'm not gonna update to any rev of l2jserver, it's our base but we're not gonna synch with them.

Instead of lying a little about our pack why not to give an option to the thread author (?).

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no is true, a lot of skills ( a lot ) is outdated (resist earth, seal of limit, augments, etc..) now l2jserver have this fixed thats all, and u need to fix l2world oid, your captcha and more..

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if you want good pack use the pack from Flash dont waste your money for the hidden outdate bugland

Don't talk about what you don't know, please.

Hidden outated & bugland is the shared one :) not the official.

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