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[16:39:42] Josh Gefikent: Здравейте, adenatraders! Искам да ви добавя в Skype. Josh Gefikent

[16:39:47] Hristo Petrov: Hristo Petrov размени пълномощно с Josh Gefikent.

[16:39:52] Hristo Petrov: hello

[16:39:59] Josh Gefikent: hello

[16:40:03] Josh Gefikent: you sell adena man ?

[16:40:05] Hristo Petrov: y

[16:40:09] Hristo Petrov: in shlen server

[16:40:14] Josh Gefikent: what price?

[16:40:22] Hristo Petrov: 100m = 6.50$

[16:40:25] Hristo Petrov: 1bil = 60$

[16:40:51] Josh Gefikent: i will buy from another seller now 600m for 36 $

[16:40:52] Josh Gefikent: when server is up

[16:41:00] Josh Gefikent: but i will need more adena tonight

[16:41:08] Josh Gefikent: how much u want for 400m ?

[16:41:12] Hristo Petrov: 24

[16:41:15] Hristo Petrov: 26*

[16:41:22] Hristo Petrov: i can sell all 1bil for 60*

[16:41:26] Hristo Petrov: will be better for u

[16:41:38] Josh Gefikent: ok i will think

[16:41:44] Josh Gefikent: server is not up yet

[16:41:45] Hristo Petrov: k

[16:41:52] Hristo Petrov: no more 2h will be down i think

[16:41:52] Josh Gefikent: i want to buy istina ring

[16:41:54] Josh Gefikent: maybe u sell it ?

[16:41:59] Hristo Petrov: y i have

[16:42:04] Hristo Petrov: but must check price

[16:42:08] Josh Gefikent: ok

[16:42:10] Josh Gefikent: we speak later

[16:42:13] Hristo Petrov: i think its about 100$

[16:42:15] Hristo Petrov: ok

[16:42:21] Hristo Petrov: when server UP pm me

[16:42:43] Josh Gefikent: yes ok

[18:02:05] Hristo Petrov: server UP

[18:02:41] Josh Gefikent: ok

[18:03:30] Josh Gefikent:  can i buy now 1b adena 60 usd?

[18:03:40] Hristo Petrov: y ofc

[18:03:43] Josh Gefikent: or the istina ring

[18:03:57] Hristo Petrov: adena can buy now

[18:04:02] Hristo Petrov: istina must check

[18:04:11] Hristo Petrov: wonna adena now ?

[18:04:27] Josh Gefikent: yes

[18:04:42] Hristo Petrov: send on  sharp_eye@abv.bg

[18:04:49] Hristo Petrov: and tell me on who char in game wonna adena

[18:05:08] Josh Gefikent: you dont give adena first?

[18:05:18] Josh Gefikent: man you dont have any trades untill now

[18:05:28] Josh Gefikent: how should i trust you will send adena when i pay ?

[18:06:06] Hristo Petrov: ok can send 18$ i send 300kk again 18->300 ...

[18:06:16] Hristo Petrov: or x200 for 12$ 5 times NP

[18:06:24] Josh Gefikent: ok 300 is np

[18:06:27] Josh Gefikent: my char name Eli35

[18:06:32] Hristo Petrov: ok

[18:06:49] Hristo Petrov: tell me when sendet 18$ i send 300kk 1min delivery

[18:07:13] Josh Gefikent: no you send first man , i have 300 posts you have 2

[18:07:20] Josh Gefikent: you should trust me

[18:07:39] Hristo Petrov: ok then start 200 buy 200

[18:07:48] Hristo Petrov: send me link on your post pls

[18:08:09] Josh Gefikent: ok wait

[18:08:24] Josh Gefikent: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=248634.0

[18:09:18] Hristo Petrov: watch ut for that guy he is a part scammer - sold him char for 100 euro - he send me only 95 !!!

[18:09:29] Hristo Petrov: and all post are your no have vauch

[18:09:32] Hristo Petrov: but ok lets try

[18:09:45] Josh Gefikent: nooooo

[18:09:48] Josh Gefikent: im not scammer man lol

[18:09:53] Josh Gefikent: i have +8 trades

[18:09:59] Hristo Petrov: ok lets try

[18:10:14] Josh Gefikent: go 300 , then i pay 18 , then u send and i pay again

[18:10:21] Josh Gefikent: actually 330

[18:10:24] Josh Gefikent: is better

[18:10:28] Josh Gefikent: 3 times 330

[18:10:39] Hristo Petrov: 330 u send 20$

[18:10:44] Josh Gefikent: mm ok

[18:10:45] Josh Gefikent: yes

[18:11:19] Hristo Petrov: done

[18:13:23] Hristo Petrov: sendet ?

[18:13:28] Josh Gefikent: yes wait

[18:14:28] Josh Gefikent: ok sended check please

[18:15:20] Hristo Petrov: no

[18:16:10] Hristo Petrov: sharp_eye@abv.bg

[18:16:15] Hristo Petrov: here you sent ?

[18:16:29] Josh Gefikent: sec

[18:19:00] Josh Gefikent: yes sended check pls

[18:23:39] Hristo Petrov: no see man

[18:24:04] Josh Gefikent: man i send you

[18:24:19] Hristo Petrov: resend me on mail you ticket pls

[18:25:35] Josh Gefikent: money sent to sharp_eye@abv.bg , -20.00$ , Fee -0.00 , Total -20.00$

[18:26:42] Hristo Petrov: dude

[18:26:45] Hristo Petrov: dont scam

[18:26:48] Hristo Petrov: sent money

[18:26:54] Hristo Petrov: show me ticket

[18:30:52] Hristo Petrov: here ?

[18:30:56] Josh Gefikent: yes man

[18:31:00] Hristo Petrov: give me 5min to check what happen pls

[18:31:03] Josh Gefikent: i send you

[18:31:04] Josh Gefikent: ok

[18:32:09] Hristo Petrov: sendet buy gift ?

[18:32:38] Josh Gefikent: yes

[18:35:52] Hristo Petrov: try if can cancel and resend pls

[18:36:14] Josh Gefikent: gift cant ccancel

[18:36:15] Josh Gefikent: it

[18:44:55] Hristo Petrov: on history sendet

[18:45:08] Hristo Petrov: will see you gift UNCLAINET and there hae CANCEL

[18:45:21] Hristo Petrov: will try whith another paypal on my friend may be here have problem

[18:45:38] Josh Gefikent: i dont see unclainet

[18:45:48] Josh Gefikent: i see Gift send to you

[18:45:51] Josh Gefikent: dont have button

[18:55:57] Hristo Petrov: why i can't see :(

[18:56:06] Hristo Petrov: faking paypal MB he have problem ...

[18:58:21] Josh Gefikent: i sended man

[19:01:48] Hristo Petrov: can't see dont know what happen

[19:03:39] Josh Gefikent: i dont know man

[19:03:47] Josh Gefikent: i sended it as gift

[19:04:00] Hristo Petrov: they will resend on your account money 100%

[19:04:01] Josh Gefikent: dont know whay you dont see it

[19:04:22] Josh Gefikent: you recived money before in your account ?

[19:04:32] Hristo Petrov: y

[19:04:40] Josh Gefikent: so why now you dont see them

[19:04:47] Josh Gefikent: refresh page maybe

[19:12:00] Hristo Petrov: here ?

[19:12:11] Josh Gefikent: yes

[19:12:37] Hristo Petrov: send me adena back pls and will PM you after support tell me what happen

[19:13:12] Josh Gefikent: sorry but i allready use them

[19:13:32] Hristo Petrov: have u moneybookers ?

[19:13:44] Josh Gefikent: man i send you allready money

[19:13:49] Josh Gefikent: its not my problem you dont see them

[19:13:57] Josh Gefikent: fix your stupid paypal

[19:13:59] Josh Gefikent: its not my problem

[19:14:20] Hristo Petrov: y i understand but will reciev in you papal 100% after 24h no reciev them

[19:15:16] Josh Gefikent: you are not good seller man

[19:15:23] Josh Gefikent: you dont know how paypal works

[19:15:33] Hristo Petrov: lol 1st time i see this i use paypal 2 years

[19:15:35] Josh Gefikent: for 1 hour im here i could buy 5 times

[19:15:44] Josh Gefikent: from other seller

[19:15:45] Josh Gefikent: or site

[19:15:57] Josh Gefikent: you waste my time here

[19:17:06] Hristo Petrov: no man u steel from me 330kk

[19:17:14] Josh Gefikent: LOL ?

[19:17:40] Josh Gefikent: man i will report you in forum

[19:17:47] Hristo Petrov: lol why ?

[19:17:48] Josh Gefikent: you are scammer or very stupid man

[19:17:55] Hristo Petrov: im scamer ..

[19:17:58] Hristo Petrov: i give you adena

[19:18:06] Josh Gefikent: yes and i pay you

[19:18:10] Josh Gefikent: and you say i didnt pay you

[19:18:21] Josh Gefikent: what ? you want to pay you 2 times for adena ?

[19:18:54] Hristo Petrov: no man ok will w8 1h more to pm on support may be have problem couse i trust you rly

[19:18:59] Hristo Petrov: ok lets w8 1h pls

[19:19:05] Josh Gefikent: ok

[19:44:47] Hristo Petrov: customers reciev on my mail  : have maintance for Bulgarian's Bank account's for new LAW pls w8 24h and all will be normal

[19:45:07] Hristo Petrov: can we stay whith this transaction for today and continiu tomorrow when all will be ok

[19:45:24] Hristo Petrov: so sorry for loose time but how can i know :(

[20:46:56] Hristo Petrov: tell me when u are here

[21:05:49] Hristo Petrov: GIVE ME BACK ADENA SCAMER

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Ok lets someone proove that i am scammer but dont talk me about names like bojourin87 or chomakova or sthg like this just becouse someone like adenaoncore and mb some other guys who i dont really know talk it.Lets just 1 person proove that he is scammed from me from my account/my skype/my paypal not just blabla.As i do it for AdenaOfCore.And where is he now?Why he is not talking?He was online before 30min.So i wait for him to defend in some way after that i can post screenshots too.

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[17:06:05] Hristo Petrov: hello

[17:06:10] AdenaOnCore: hi

[17:06:17] AdenaOnCore: how much for 1b on shilen server?

[17:06:23] Hristo Petrov: 60$

[17:07:00] AdenaOnCore: do you use paypal?

[17:07:08] Hristo Petrov: y

[17:07:20] AdenaOnCore: have stock atm?

[17:07:29] Hristo Petrov: 4bil ATM

[17:07:57] AdenaOnCore: ok

[17:08:05] AdenaOnCore: i will msg you when server is up

[17:08:13] Hristo Petrov: ok how many will need  ?

[17:08:30] AdenaOnCore: atm 3.2b

[17:08:36] AdenaOnCore: but i buy frequently

[17:08:46] AdenaOnCore: have lots of customers

[17:08:51] AdenaOnCore: so i might need more later

[17:08:55] Hristo Petrov: ok good

[17:09:05] Hristo Petrov: pm when server is up

[17:09:10] AdenaOnCore: ok

[18:01:57] Hristo Petrov: server UP

[18:04:19] AdenaOnCore: ok gimme 10 min

[18:04:31] Hristo Petrov: k

[18:16:22] AdenaOnCore: here

[18:16:28] Hristo Petrov: ok

[18:16:37] AdenaOnCore: i have some time

[18:16:40] AdenaOnCore: let me log in char

[18:16:45] Hristo Petrov: k

[18:17:02] Hristo Petrov: now will buy 3.200 right ?

[18:17:47] AdenaOnCore: yes for 60$ 1b

[18:17:52] AdenaOnCore: let me calculate that

[18:17:55] Hristo Petrov: y

[18:18:02] Hristo Petrov: 192

[18:18:06] AdenaOnCore: yes

[18:18:30] AdenaOnCore: do you want to do all amount first or part of it?

[18:18:41] AdenaOnCore: you have 1 post i cant send money first

[18:18:49] AdenaOnCore: i can give you 20+ vauches for me

[18:18:59] AdenaOnCore: i have been trading for 2 years

[18:20:29] Hristo Petrov: ok give me 2min

[18:20:30] AdenaOnCore: char name TerryLT

[18:24:36] AdenaOnCore: so?

[18:24:48] Hristo Petrov: lets make 500 buy 500

[18:24:56] Hristo Petrov: im scarry to send 3.2 at 1 time

[18:25:06] AdenaOnCore: yeah i get that

[18:25:13] AdenaOnCore: we can do 6 times 500m

[18:25:17] AdenaOnCore: and then 200m

[18:25:21] Hristo Petrov: k

[18:25:30] Hristo Petrov: 500 send 30$

[18:25:33] AdenaOnCore: ok send and give me paypal

[18:26:01] Hristo Petrov: i did

[18:26:18] Hristo Petrov: sharp_eye@abv.bg

[18:26:24] AdenaOnCore: ok

[18:26:26] AdenaOnCore: sec to check

[18:27:31] AdenaOnCore: ok got it

[18:27:32] AdenaOnCore: sending now

[18:27:38] Hristo Petrov: k

[18:28:52] AdenaOnCore: done

[18:30:39] Hristo Petrov: i cant see it

[18:30:48] Hristo Petrov: can have problem whith my PayPal ?

[18:30:59] AdenaOnCore: dont know i sent

[18:31:02] AdenaOnCore: sec

[18:31:22] AdenaOnCore: here

[18:31:24] AdenaOnCore: money sent to sharp_eye@abv.bg , -30.00$ , Fee -0.00 , Total -30.00$

[18:31:39] AdenaOnCore: all fine with my paypal

[18:32:42] AdenaOnCore: saw it>

[18:33:32] Hristo Petrov: no :(

[18:33:43] Hristo Petrov: i tell one friend tell me 1$ to see and get it at 1min

[18:33:47] Hristo Petrov: all its ok

[18:33:49] Hristo Petrov: but no see it

[18:33:52] Hristo Petrov: why :(

[18:34:18] AdenaOnCore: hm

[18:34:21] AdenaOnCore: usually it takes 1 min

[18:34:25] AdenaOnCore: to see transaction

[18:34:27] AdenaOnCore: relog paypal?

[18:34:36] Hristo Petrov: sec to try

[18:34:47] AdenaOnCore: ok

[18:34:59] Hristo Petrov: i no have e-mail for paypal transaction too


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lol this guy Ludogoretz is scammed in same way like me from same ppl.


you little prick are continously registering new chars and obviously "petarbozhurin" is indicating "bojurin", which scammed me 2 times, 1 scamming my adena, 2nd not leveling my chars cuz your wife got some shit up her vagina and is in a hospital,, so stop weither he/she is a scammer or not registering new accoutns just to swing your dick around cuz ure the unhonest and no trustworthy guy around here, let this be the issue of honest ppl. You are so dumb, u are using "bulgaria" as your location on each of those new chars just giving yourself away, not just by the date of registration just like Ludogoretz is you also.

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Its all in your post man.You are saying its so good.Do you think that if i am scammer i would make name petarbozhurin that you said it is like bojurin if i am same person and i know that ppl know me like scammer i would make another name not similar like this and yes i would set my location in other country.Do you think that i can make scamming if i am so dump to make similar accounts.It is just coinsidence and i dont know what bojurin means but petar bozhurin is my name as you can see from Skype and Paypal witch is verified with credit card on my name ect.So stop talking bulshits I had never scammed noone and stop to talk that bojurin is me when you have no proove.

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Its all in your post man.You are saying its so good.Do you think that if i am scammer i would make name petarbozhurin that you said it is like bojurin if i am same person and i know that ppl know me like scammer i would make another name not similar like this and yes i would set my location in other country.Do you think that i can make scamming if i am so dump to make similar accounts.It is just coinsidence and i dont know what bojurin means but petar bozhurin is my name as you can see from Skype and Paypal witch is verified with credit card on my name ect.So stop talking bulshits I had never scammed noone and stop to talk that bojurin is me when you have no proove.


Seriously, do you think we are 10yr old kids?

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    • Well, sorry not sorry for resurrecting old topic, but I believe it's ultimately stupid to implement license checks like Vilmis did 🙂   private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + getData("Zm9ydW1fZGI="); private static String username = getData("bXJjb3B5cmlnaHQ="); private static String password = getData("Y29weXJpZ2h0XzEyMw=="); con = GlobalDB.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement; statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT field_6 from core_pfields_content WHERE member_id = ?"); statement.setInt(1, Config.FORUM_USER_ID); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery();   This awesome way of coding things leaves us with base64-encoded credentials and DB exposed and accessible globally 😉 Btw he checks his licensing data from some plugin generated table his forum uses. Vilmis took action and ensured that mrcopyright user would have only needed accesses and rights for this operation. But he forgot to ensure that his INFORMATION_SCHEMA database would not be exposed and readable... That leads us to fully readable server variables like version used (10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 - pretty ancient DB and OS, I'd assume). From here you can go south and do some kinky stuff, if you want and have knowledge for that. But who cares, right?   Ooh, table core_pfields_content field_6 is IP address which is checked by FORUM_USER_ID. Yep, you can query all IP addresses there (124 of them right now) and also do whatever you want with them! 🙂  The most fun part? Files source has been shared what, more than 2 years ago?  Vilmis still uses very same credentials and never changed it after sources exposure - who cares. Although, "sources" may be way too strong word here. If anyone still use paid Orion versions, I'd suggest packing your shit and leaving immediately, or at least fix this incompetent fool caused problems. It's obvious Vilmis don't care or maybe doesn't even know from the first place how to solve this problem (hint hint - tiny PHP Rest API microservice which would do absolutely the same but without exposing sensitive data?). By doing that, he exposes his infrastructure and YOUR data, and he does that for more than 2 years now 🙂 Developer of century!    
    • rename the l2.bin into l2.exe
    • L2LIVE.PRO- Dynamic Mid-rates Essence Seven Signs GRAND OPENING - July 5, 20:00 GMT+3 (EEST) TEST SERVER IS OPEN - COME AND CHECK IT OUT TODAY! Join our community and be part of it at: https://www.l2live.pro https://discord.gg/k3NMgR4Dmu   Server description * EXP/SP: Dynamic (x1- x100 based on your level, *before* Sayha and EXP buffs * Adena: x50 / Item Drop: x10 / Fishing EXP increased / Attribute EXP increased * Simplified gameplay to stay in the loop while not spending hours and hours farming * Starter Pack containing very useful items for beginners * MP replenishing potions with auto-consumption * No overpowered donations L2LIVE shop * All spellbook coupons, pet spellbook coupons and master books are sold via Game Assistant * Additionally you can buy SP pouches, enchanted talismans, pet training guides and various other consumables for Adena and L-Coin * More items such as cloaks, more talismans, agathions, belts, pendants, enchantment scrolls of various grades, evolution stones, etc will be added! Shop server as a shortcut, and all retail-like ways of earning items are still here! L-Coins * Drops with small change and in random amounts from Lv60+ monsters  * All raidbosses drop random amount of L-Coin Pouches generating up to 420 Lcoin per unit. **Grand Olympiad and Events** * Grand Olympiad is held week day * Format is 1v1, unlimited weekly fights  * Heroes are declared weekly at Sunday * There are three automated events - TvT, CTF and Deathmatch, running at evenings * Orc Fortress, Battle with Balok, Keber Hunter, Archievements Box, Daily Gift Calendar provisional events are active too Custom user commands * .offlineplay command, your character will keep playing till death or server restart * .offlineshop command, keeps your shop sitting until all items are purchased * .apon / .apoff - enable/disable HP/MP autoconsume And lots of other small improvements are waiting for you!   Join our community and be part of it at: https://www.l2live.pro https://discord.gg/k3NMgR4Dmu
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