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server is in beta Mode.!




Information About Our Server


L2Rise of Hell Interlude Private pvp server


Server Rates

* XP : 2000x

* SP :2000x

* Adena : 2000x

* Drop : 1x

* Spoil : 1x

* Party : 2x



* Server Is PvP not Hard Farm

* No Custom Armors/Weapons

* Farm Locations (up to 2 farms)

* PvP Zone

* TvT Zone

* Vote Rewards for voting on HopZone/.

* GMShop

* TvT Buffer

* Alot of custom NPC

* CTF/TvT/DM Event every 1hour

* Nick, title coloring from pvp/pk system

* Full Buffer

* Buff Duration: 2h

* Buff slot: 45 /deBuff slot :4

* Every GrandBoss has different resp time 2-4h.

* GrandBoss NPC

* All GrandBoss drop (Top Ls and special coins)

* Clan reputation Item



* Normal Scroll: 76%

* Blessed Scroll: 100%

* Max enchant: +26 / Weapon

* Max enchant: +25 / Armor

* Safe enchant: +7


-== NPC Information ==-

Custom NPC.

*Full Gm SHop

*Casino Club

*Global Gate Keeper

*Full Buffer

*Top Pvp/pk

*Custom Trader

*Anti pk Protector


*Weding Manager

*Clan Reputation Manager


Custom Comands









Other Informations

* Full Geodata and Pathnode

* Full Working Olympiad

* Anti dualbox on Olympiad

* Olympiad everyday 18.00 - 24:00 GMT+2

* Hero period is one week

* Armor restriction

* Full Working Skills

* Class Balance

* Full working Sige/Fortress


-== LifeStone Information==-

* High Grade LS Skill chance: 15%

* Top Grade LS Skill chance: 100%


-==Extra Features==-

*Killing Spee System

*Vote Reward SYstem

* Hero item 1 24h

* Disable Weight penalty

* DIsable Grade penalty

* Normal players can't heal Raid Bosses

* Change color of Clan Leader's name

* ProtectorPlayerPVP

* ProtectorPlayerPK

* Clan Reputation / From Custom NPC

* OfflineTradeEnable

* Enable wedding system

* Killing Spree System (When a Player Hits an A-beep-t of pvp's an announcement appears)





Site: www.l2roh.net


Bon.! we are still No have the full Information abaut server but soon we add it  if you whant to lock the topic ok when we add the Info then Unclock it.!

Alright you can send me a pm for that!
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