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Hello i want to advertise this server. I´m not admin just player but for me it a good INT server:)


All is good admins works with bugs and others

The worst think is only this that online is about 300ppl (150-200 online +100 AFK/offlineshops)

Server is balanced with class NO OVERPOWER DAGGERS and other...

No weapon S grade+++++

Just go and play:)


They you have futures




Client Supported: Interlude


Game Rates:

XP/ SP/ Drop/ Spoil: x20

Adena: x25

Party XP/ SP: x1.5

Manor Drop: x5

Epic Jewels Drop Chance: x2

Weight Limit: x2


Quest Rates:

XP/ SP/ Adena Reward: x25

Item Reward: x5

Quest Item Drop Rate: x5


Retail enchant success rate, safe +4 and max +16.


Gameplay Security:

Full Anti-Bot/ Anti-Hack System.


Custom Addons:

Npc Buffer with schemes and without resists

Buffs Time - 1hour

Auto Loot (Auto Pickup) enabled.

Autolearn skills

Quest for Class change is not needed

Quest for Subclass is not needed

Olympiad period : 2 weeks

Olympiad min players: 9 (Non-Classed)

Olympiad min players: 5 (Classed)

Offline Private Stores: Set your private store and click Exit.

Wedding Event.

Blacksmith of Mammon & Merchant of Mammon announcement.

Automated events every 2 hours

Shift+Click to see droplist in game.


Game Server:

CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 Quad Core 4x 2.3 GHz

RAM: 24Gb DDR3

HDD: 2x Seagate SATA2 1500Gb

Connection: 1Gbps Unlimited International

OS: Debian GNU/ Linux 6.0




GO AND PLAY (i just played on other server INTERLUDE x30 where admin name is DSP but this was big mistake) it is 100x better server.... PM me in game Nick: Mierda


what is tragetic? Hm..? Tell me when you have a lot of homehosted servers or server hosted only for donate and tell me other server IT MID RATE which is THE BEST? (without rpg and other rus servers) i know a lot of mid int servers and only 1-5 is good other are weapoons+++ adm corrupted Non Class balanced... etc.. than JOIN LOOK AND SEY LATER :)

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