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Hello MaxCheaters!!!


I need you help!!!! pls



I have a problem with the glows in all Duels Weapons

when i equip the duels i have the glow and then i REequip the duel and i dont have the glow from the right side and the left side is good

AND if i equip a bow and REequip the duel i have the glows!!!




Gia sas pedia exw ena provlima me ta glow!!!!

otan foraw ta opiadipote duels kai meta ta bgalw k ta ksanabalw ta glows enfanizete apo tn mia plevra mono

ala otan balw ena bow kai ksana ta duels enfanizonte kai ta dio




Take a look in pictures:










width=960 height=768http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6642/l22.png[/img]




PLS help i have this bug since i started the modification

Sas PARAKALW voi8isteme exw afto to bug apo tote pou arxisa to modification



did u mess with lineageeffect.u file? what did u do?


seams u have missin in weapongrp.dat the effect for second weapon.


Dunno this happens to me too even in 'regular' servers (like OFFs and even in more 'serious' low rates and stuff)




mexis15 katarxas thx pou mou apantises!!! epises vale tags '[gr]' or '[greece]' sto replay sou.

egw den exw provlima me ta glows sto FileEdit eki den iparxi 8ema aspoume kita


0	9810	1	1	6	1	0	Munch_IncessantCore.Munch_IncessantCore	Munch_IncessantCore.Munch_IncessantCore		Munch_AbyssalWeapons.incessant_core_t00_wp	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.incessant_core_t00_wp		Munch_AbyssalWeapons.weapon_dual_sword_i00	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.weapon_incessantcore_sword_i00	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.weapon_incessantcore_sword_i00			-1	2140	51	1	0	14	3	2	Munch_IncessantCore.Munch_IncessantCore	Munch_IncessantCore.Munch_IncessantCore	2	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.incessant_core_t00_wp	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.incessant_core_t00_wp		4	ItemSound.sword_mid_4	ItemSound.sword_big_1	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_4	ItemSound.public_sword_shing_10	ItemSound.itemdrop_dualsword	ItemSound.itemequip_dualsword		10	480	174	8	5	8	0	0	0	0	325	0	1	1	1000	0	-1	0	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	LineageEffect.e_u092_a	5.000000	0.000000	0.000000	5.000000	0.000000	0.000000	1.000000	1.000000	3.000000	3.000000	LineageWeapons.rangesample	LineageWeapons.rangesample	1.600000	0.700000	0.700000	1.600000	0.700000	0.700000	13.000000	0.000000	0.000000	13.000000	0.000000	0.000000	4	4	-1	-1	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.weapon_dual_sword_i00	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.weapon_incessantcore_sword_i01	Munch_AbyssalWeapons.weapon_incessantcore_sword_i01	


Ola einai ok to exw checari 10000 fores kai me alo system kai me alo pack!!! kati alo fteei k afto rotaw



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