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Big Opening 12/08/12





L2 aRis 100x will be online and ready to play on This Sunday 12/08/12 at about 12PM Europe/6AM America

You are welcome to join our comunity and enjoy of a good gameplay of lineage 2 interlude.

We invite you to keep in touch by this http://l2aris.com or our http://facebook.com/l2aris.


This Will be l2 aRis's Main Features


L2 aRis is the acronym of A Real Interlude Server. L2 aRis is a lineage 2 private server developed and own by the alliance of 2  developers with a long way of experience from europe and south america. L2 aRis is a Nonprofit server, so our main cause is to make them all to have fun with our services. You are more than welcome to join our comunity and start having fun ;)


Host Machine


Locaton: France


Cpu: i5 4x 2.66+ GHz 


Connection: 1GBPS


Disk Space: 2 TB


Ram: 16GB





Exp: 100x


Party Exp: 2x 


Adena: 100x


Enchants Rate


Normal Enchant: 60% (Gm Shop)


Blessed Enchant: 65% (Farm Zome Mobs: Low rate drop/Raid Boss: High rate drop)


Max Enchant Weapon: +10

Max Enchant Armor: +8


Additional information


Olympiads: Retail - Hero every week 


Noblesse: Caradine's Letter 75 - Gmshop 


Easy Farm/Exp 


No custom Armors 


No custom Weapons 


Especial Npc - Gmshop - NpcBuffer


Active/Passive augments skills - Low chance


Full-Geo-Data/Pathnode: Active



Farm zone


Especial Farm Zone


Especial mobs with custom drops for a better gameplay


There are 6 especial raid boss with custom drops in farm zone - 2h spawn each


Come on and join us, we will be wating for you ...


L2 aRis 100x is online you can now log in and star having fun.










Aditional informatio to start:


-Party exp 2x (any level)

-All in Gmshop.

-Custom zone to farm.

-All buff in npc buffer (3h) 24 +4

-6 Raid boss in farm zone (2h spawn), drops:1 Epic jewl (30%), Blessed scrolls, Life Stone, Adena , enchant books and farm stones.

-Normal scroll: 60%

-Blessed scroll: 65%

-Enchant max weapon: +10

-Enchant max armor/jewel: +8




Bugg report, suggestion or petitions via forum thanks.


Contact msn: msn@l2aris.com


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