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7 answers to this question

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I suppose you have to re-install mysql server application(just run the config wizard)...or you can create/edit an account from the users manager feature of navicat.


*KEEP in mind that you have to edit loginserver.prop and server.prop ...*

  • 0

i re-install the navicat and mySQL server and now i keep a backup of tables now i want to install Db to get new files.This is my question now  i have pass in my conection and if i go to do install Db say my root@localhost Using password: YES. I put my pass ******




REM ##############################################

REM ## Interactive script setup -  (by TanelTM) ##

REM ##############################################

REM Default values:

set mysqlBinPath=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin


set lsuser=root

set lspass=  <--------******

set lsdb=l2jdb

set lshost=localhost



set gsuser=root

set gspass= <----******

set gsdb=l2jdb

set gshost=localhost


set workdir="%cd%"


if not exist vars.txt goto createVars

ren vars.txt *.bat

call vars.bat

ren vars.bat *.txt


goto start


echo This is the first time you run database_installer so we need to set it up...


echo Your mysqlBinPath is? (default: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin)

set /P mysqlBinPath=": "


echo LoginServer settings

echo --------------------

set /P lsuser="User (default is 'root'): "

set /P lspass="Pass(will be shown and saved as clear text): "

set /P lsdb="Database (default is 'l2jdb'): "

set /P lshost="Host (default is 'localhost'): "


echo GameServer settings

echo -------------------

set /P gsuser="User (default is 'root'): "

set /P gspass="Pass (will be shown and saved as clear text): "

set /P gsdb="Database (default is 'l2jdb'): "

set /P gshost="Host (default is 'localhost'): "


echo @set mysqlPath="%mysqlBinPath%\mysql"> vars.txt

echo @set mysqlBinPath="%mysqlBinPath%">> vars.txt

echo @set mysqldumpPath="%mysqlBinPath%\mysqldump">> vars.txt

echo @set lsuser=%lsuser%>> vars.txt

echo @set lspass=%lspass%>> vars.txt

echo @set lsdb=%lsdb%>> vars.txt

echo @set lshost=%lshost%>> vars.txt

echo @set gsuser=%gsuser%>> vars.txt

echo @set gspass=%gspass%>> vars.txt

echo @set gsdb=%gsdb%>> vars.txt

echo @set gshost=%gshost%>> vars.txt


echo Script setup complete, press any key to continue...

pause> nul

goto loadVars


REM ############################################


echo Making a backup of the original loginserver database.

%mysqldumpPath% --add-drop-table -h %lshost% -u %lsuser% --password=%lspass% %lsdb% > loginserver_backup.sql


echo WARNING: Full install (f) will destroy data in your `accounts` and `gameserver`

echo tables.


echo Choose upgrade (u) if you already have an `accounts` table but no `gameserver`

echo table (ie. your server is a pre LS/GS split version.)


echo Choose skip (s) to skip loginserver DB installation and go to gameserver DB

echo installation/upgrade.



set loginprompt=x

set /p loginprompt=LOGINSERVER DB install type: (f) full or (u) upgrade or {s} skip or (q) quit?

if /i %loginprompt%==f goto logininstall

if /i %loginprompt%==u goto loginupgrade

if /i %loginprompt%==s goto gsbackup

if /i %loginprompt%==q goto end

goto asklogin



echo Deleting loginserver tables for new content.

%mysqlPath% -h %lshost% -u %lsuser% --password=%lspass% -D %lsdb% < login_install.sql



echo Installing new loginserver content.

%mysqlPath% -h %lshost% -u %lsuser% --password=%lspass% -D %lsdb% < ../sql/accounts.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %lshost% -u %lsuser% --password=%lspass% -D %lsdb% < ../sql/gameservers.sql




echo Making a backup of the original gameserver database.

%mysqldumpPath% --add-drop-table -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% %gsdb% > gameserver_backup.sql




echo WARNING: A full install (f) will destroy all existing character data.


set installtype=x

set /p installtype=GAMESERVER DB install type: (f) full install or (u) upgrade or (s) skip or (q) quit?

if /i %installtype%==f goto fullinstall

if /i %installtype%==u goto upgradeinstall

if /i %installtype%==s goto experimental

if /i %installtype%==q goto end

goto asktype



echo Deleting all gameserver tables for new content.

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < full_install.sql



echo Installing new gameserver content.

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/chat_filter.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/account_data.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/armor.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/armorsets.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/autoanounce.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/auction.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/auction_bid.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/auction_watch.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/auto_chat.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/auto_chat_text.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/augmentations.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/boxaccess.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/boxes.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/buff_templates.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/castle.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/castle_door.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/castle_doorupgrade.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/castle_manor_procure.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/castle_manor_production.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/castle_siege_guards.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/char_templates.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_colors.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_friends.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_hennas.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_macroses.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_quests.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_raidpoints.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_recipebook.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_recommends.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_shortcuts.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_skills.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_skills_save.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/character_subclasses.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/characters.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clan_data.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clan_privs.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clan_subpledges.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clan_skills.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clan_wars.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clanhall.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/clanhall_functions.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/class_list.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/couples.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/cursed_weapons.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_armor.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_armorsets.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_etcitem.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_npc.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_spawnlist.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_teleport.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/custom_weapon.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/dimensional_rift.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/droplist.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/enchant_skill_trees.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/etcitem.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/fish.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/fishing_skill_trees.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/forums.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/games.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/global_tasks.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/gm_edit.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/helper_buff_list.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/henna.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/henna_trees.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/heroes.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/items.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/itemsonground.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/locations.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/lvlupgain.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/mapregion.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/merchant_areas_list.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/merchant_buylists.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/merchant_lease.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/merchant_shopids.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/merchants.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/minions.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/npc.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/pets.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/pets_stats.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/pledge_skill_trees.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/posts.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/raid_events_spawnlist.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/raid_prizes.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/npcskills.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/olympiad_nobles.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/raidboss_spawnlist.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/random_spawn.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/random_spawn_loc.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/seven_signs.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/seven_signs_festival.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/seven_signs_status.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/siege_clans.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/skill_learn.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/skill_spellbooks.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/skill_trees.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/spawnlist.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/teleport.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/topic.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/vanhalter_spawnlist.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/vipinfo.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/weapon.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/zone.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/zone_cuboid.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/zone_cylinder.sql

%mysqlPath% -h %gshost% -u %gsuser% --password=%gspass% -D %gsdb% < ../sql/zone_npoly.sql




echo Script complete.





What ealse i must do to start the install.....??????

  • 0

Go to navicat and try to connect to your database(even if it's empty). If it succeeds, go to do the same for the db installer.If not, make sure you're using the right password.


PS:se ekana add sto msn

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