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L2Obsessive Server Features




Exp: 3000x

SP: 3000x

Drop: 1x

Spoil: 0x [No need]

Enchant Rates:


Vote Reward System will be add.[When we get on Topzone/Hopzone]

Attibute Max Level: 4

Safe Enchant: +3

Max Enchant: +16

Blessed Enchant Scroll: 100%

Normal Enchant Scroll: 70%

Attribute Stones: 70%

Olympiad 2 Weeks.

TvT every 1 hour.

Special Event's from our GM's,

Special Mini-Boss in farm zone's are with custom drop.

Noblesse from GM shop. And from our Noblesse NPC.

Auto Learn Skills.

Custom NPC's: Gatekeeper, GM Shop, Scheme Buffer, Pk-PvP Manager...[And more]


Our Website:



dUDE Your features are so poor omg...

the only good thing in ur server that marks the farm are the miniraids ,in rest EVERYTHING SUcks ,and only tvt? omg...


We are working on some events which will be seen in our server for first time, but we won't announce them in the begin.


My great suggestions for your next server cuz this will fail for sure:

1. Add rank event (top 20-30 blabla for most kills in each event ,depends also)

2. Add Last man standing + Death match and add reward per kill too

3. Add .dressme system or set vesper max for more fun

4. Make xp rate 250x for more fun and put some reward gc x3-4 after you reach lv 85 (of course ,it wont compare to events blabla gcs reward so noone will try to waste time making 25352 characters up to lv 85)

5. Dont add custom farm zones, let them retail and change the drop only and disable vitality system to make 250x harder (like 1 hour and half to level at least xD)

6. Make olympiad more fun ,set a grade max or dynasty ^^

7. Add a custom buffer with few buffs only (not all 342634267347 buffs that make pvp unbalanced)

8. Make CP Reuse 2seconds for more pvp balance


I could tell you much much much much more ,but for now thats all



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