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I would like , to ask more about webdesign , but about the psd-> html

How to start learning? Will i need css,xhtml,java too? I would be really glad if you could as sooner as possible ;)

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All you have to do is to use google.com and search over the internet some guides, you will find somethng which replies all of your questions I am pretty sure. But yes Html needs CSS as far as I know, dunno about Xhtml but i guess so

I hope that I helped you.


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Thats what im thinking about.


Well, my share can help you. I mean from absolute 0 I'll show you where to study and what. To be more specific you should learn HTML, CSS then how to do PSD->HTML (I have a premium ebook for that) and then JS, PHP and much more if you want to study web design.

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