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[Share] L2 Tools 1.6 v1.5.5 , v1.5 , v1.4 , v1.3 , v1.2 , v1.1 , v1.0

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I searched and i don't find something like that ;)

  • first of all , if this post have already posted in this forum , delete mine , or lock it ! 
  • second , if i am in wrong section , a mod should be move it ;)


the link that i found l2tools 1.6 is  here

for more information search there 



================================================== ============

Compilation made by hami - L2x team - v 1.6

================================================== ============


Didn't coded any of those softwares,

Just packed free softwares available on the net without GNU,

Thks to all coders,

Thks to postpacific, 99nets, RZ and all the others.


================================================== ============



+ V1.6


-Added 3 new "unknown" tools

-Added in rates tool 2 new php scripts

-Added multi drop maker PHP

-Added Ai tool aiview.exe

-Added Chinese version of C3 L2ClientDat.exe

-Added geodata tool L2GeoData.exe

-Added new unknown tool "Ideal 2"

-Added geodata tool "Map inquiry"

-Added rates tool NpcUpdaterGUIexe.exe

-Added TFishFan1 in L2 Monitors

-Added L2encdec261

-Added Mysql Rates Tool


+ V1.5.5


-Added some new exe fixes for L2Scriptmaker, use it with exe injector.

-Added petition server/infos


+ V1.5


-Added recipe2html

-Added L2 World Viewer

-Added skillcommands breakdown

-Added AuthDPatcher

-Added npcdata PHP script

-added ave exe patcher in L2ScriptMaker-ExecFixes

--Updated NpcdataControl.exe

--Updated L2ScriptMaker

--Updated hami decoder pack

--Updated npc src


+ V1.4


-Added ollydbg

-Added L2ConnectionManager

-Added L2ControlPanel

-Added Ai fixer

-Added Break Downs folder in guides, added 4 break downs

--Updated AIManager with new version AIM.rar

--Updated L2Control and L2 Proc

--Updated L2ScriptMaker


+ V1.3


-Added L2 import 1.0

-Added 3D GeoViewer

-Added Prelude AI sources and questdata - to be used with nasc, npc ai source compiler.

-Added PE Explorer

-Added AI Mod

-Added queries exemples

-Added some exe fixes for L2Scriptmaker

--Updated L2ScriptMaker


+ V1.2


-Added C4-Map.jpg

-Added SetsDataHelpfull.excel

-Added L2_checker

-Added Recipe_Cor

-Added GeoGenerator

-Added GeoMaker

-Added TeraMaker

-Added Actionnamedec

--Updated GeoEditv2

--Updated L2ScriptMaker


+ V1.1


-Added L2Admin exe

-Added Decryptpack

-Added Sql Clearer

-Added npc src

-Added translator

-Added new geodatas viewer

-Added recipe tool

-Added more pch makers

-Added 2 unknown tools

-Added translator

--Updated L2control

--Updated L2ScriptMaker



+ V1.0


-First Pack


================================================== ==========



credits to :



source : http://postpacific.com


pass : datakey 


  • Like 1

as i can see @vent00za , criticalerror posted only v1.6



, i shared more v1.5.5 , v1.5 , v1.4 , v1.3 , v1.2 , v1.1 , v1.0

but anyway , you tryed one more time to tell something ;)

//good day for me ;)




Ok .. i download both and check the ss... they are same .. your needs psw and criticalerrors share doesnt need ... so ?




both are the same ... accept it ... nothing more/less


Have a nice day !


PS : i dont cry :) NEVER!


lol man , u are crazy look in my first post ;) i have password

also i told , that if the same shared already posted , i pleased mod's to delete my topic or to lock it !

so don't cry men ;) 

  • 4 years later...
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