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Exile Clan Team ✰ Join l2Sandora

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Glad to know that you're viewing this "topic" right now , so you are ready to JOIN US.

eXile Clan is a clan , based on some people wich desided to start playing together as a Team on Lineage 2 Servers. Our team is based on half greeks , half russians , and some other countries. We don't care from wich country you are , we respect people as they respect us too.


What are we asking from you ~>


◆ Always respect the "Leader"

◆ Always respect the "Sub Leader"

◆ Be loyal to you're team

◆ Help you're team/Clan when we need you, as much as you help us ,as much we        will help you in a double price.

◆ We don't need no-lifers in our Team

◆ We don't need kid's , flammers , spammers

◆ When Clan is ready with a party for a "Raid boss" or "PvP Party" , you need to be there.

◆ We need people that have "brain" first of all , and also be knowleged on they're gameplay and they're experience on it.


Clan Requires :


◆ Skype - 100%


◆ Ventrilo

◆ Micro - 100%

◆ Good net-connection - 100%



Some infos you need to give :


Age :

Name :

Country :

L2 Experience :

You're main Class :

Support Classes you're able to play with :

Previous Servers You've played before and clan's you was in :

How many hour's are you able to play a day :

Why do you want to join "eXile Clan " :


Questions Required to be answered :



1. If you have a problem in you're real life , and the same time our Clan is on a "Siege / PvP Time / CH Siege " , what you will do ?




2.If an "eX" Clan member start to flaming on you , what you gonna do ?




3.If you won't get something that you wanted the whole day/week [example : items/hero etc ] , what will be you're reaction?




Let you're Replies on the "Recruitment" board.


Regards , HealingCube & Fn4t1C


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