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hellbound L2World Freya rebirth x15


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Server is fail and gm is more fail


Now GM removed online count cuz he didnt liked 30 online in 15x :D ,fail! :P


We all know about this bad staff and its corruption (I can't forget the +15 whole sets),just look at the way they talking in text when you start server ,just like a 12 years kid lol and its not trusty to play either because they can wipe anytime they want and its not nice to lose time :) ,also they made excuses for balance that some classes are good for farm ,some classes are good for mass pvp ,oh be serious ,ofc classes should be equal ,not perfect but almost ,but this server is far from almost rofl ,unbalanced ,i dont like it at all ,gl anyway xD

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UMAD BRO? me and my clan gonna  play there, we're tired of the servers that are attacked by DDoS and can not solve it. this server is growing at the moment there are 250 online.


JOIN US!  8)



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UMAD BRO? me and my clan gonna  play there, we're tired of the servers that are attacked by DDoS and can not solve it. this server is growing at the moment there are 250 online.


JOIN US!  8)



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agree what, with ddos? ,almost every good server have ddos prot  :)


EDIT: It's full of bugs too ahahaha ,not even the most basic things as quests 7s or nevit doesnt work ,lol l2j server...


Staff doesn't give a sh1t about you, they open a full bugged l2j just for money ,u got tricked  :( ,geez guys ,you need some develop aknowledge in order to understand that is full of staff that doesnt care ,if they would care they would fix at least the most basic bugs

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