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What makes Java special?


The Java has caused perhaps the greatest interest than any other development in the world of Internet. Everyone is talking about it. Everyone is excited about the possibilities for Java provides. It is the first way to include sound and animation in a website. Java also allows users to interact with the site. In addition to just reading it and perhaps filling a form, users can now play games, chat, get continuously updated data and more.

Here are some of the many features of Java:

  • Sound, which runs whenever the user loads a page
  • Music playing in the background of a page
  • Created animations
  • Video
  • Multimedia Games


The Java is not just a network programming language with special features.So, what makes Java special? Java is a programming language for distributed applications. Not just allow you to add new content pages but allows to add the code necessary. No need to wait for the release of a browser that supports this type of image or specific protocol game (special game protocol). With Java you send browsers both the content and the program to see this content at the same time.


What does that mean? Let's see. Up to now had to wait for your readers to inform their browsers before using a new content type. The competitiveness of Java is that it can be applied to any browser.


For example, you want to use EPS files to your site. Previously, we had to wait until at least one web browser implemented support EPS. Now do not wait. Instead, you can write your own code to view EPS files and send to any client requesting the page the same time they request the file EPS.


Suppose we want people to be able to search your online catalog (electronic card catalog). The database list but exists in a large system that does not speak HTTP. Before Java you could hope that some browser implemented your proprietary card catalog protocol or you could try to program some intermediate cgi-bin on a UNIX BOX to recognize HTTP, which is not easy. With Java, if a client wants to talk on your list can send the code needed.


The Java language is not only used for web sites. Java is a programming language that allows us to do what the traditional languages ​​like Fortran and C++. It is much more clear and easier to use than the other languages i mentioned. As a language Java is:

  • Simple
  • Object oriented
  • Distributed
  • Multithreaded
  • Dynamic
  • Architecture neutral
  • Portable
  • High performance
  • Robust
  • Secure 




The Sun has the Java Developers Kit (JDK). Contains an applet viewer where you can see and test your applications. The JDK includes the javac compiler, the java interpreter, the javaprof profiler, the Java debugger and limited text. Most of the texts for the API and class library is the web site of the Sun.


You can find programs like that around the internet or from our site if you search u will find some results, such as :

Java Compile Links from Darule, and so on




Instructions on Unix:


Start the Applet Viewer by doing the following:


1. Open a command line prompt and cd into one of the directories in /usr/local/java/demo. For example:

% Cd /usr/local/java/demo/DemoGame

2. Run the appletviewer file html:

% Appletviewer example1.html

3. Play DemoGame.



Instructions for Windows:


Start the Applet Viewer by doing the following:


Open a DOS window and cd into one of the directories in C:\Users\JAVA\DEMO. For example

C:> cd C:\Users\JAVA\DEMO\DemoGame

2. Run the appletviewer file html:

C:> appletviewer example1.htm

3. Play DemoGame.


Applets in Netscape:


The Netscape 3.0 and later will run the mini Java applications almost everywhere except Windows 3.1. The Netscape has a page, JAVA DEMO PAGE, with links to various applications, of which most are running. Nevertheless do not be surprised if an application does not work properly in Netscape.


You can find Java Tutorial, actually one of the best out there and reliable source since its from Oracle itself.

You can find them on this link.

Getting Started: Click here.

Learning the Java Language:  Click here.

Essential Java Classes:  Click here.

Collections:  Click here.

Swing:  Click here.

Deployment:  Click here.


Java Video Series with wonderful explanation by thenewboston:



I suggest you before watching the Java Game Development videos, complete the basics.(beginner-intermediate) series.


Credits: Me, google for some resources

PS: I'll add more information and code explanations when i have free time.

In the meantime if you have any questions about java pm.(if u pm me about "please fix olympiad system on my server" and such pms they will be ignored.)


UPDATED: 22/5/2012

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You can now watch those great videos from thenewboston, i'm sure you will learn a lot from this guy.

Also, tutorials from Oracle added.

If you still have problem with something you can pm me without hesitation.

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You can now watch those great videos from thenewboston, i'm sure you will learn a lot from this guy.

Also, tutorials from Oracle added.

If you still have problem with something you can pm me without hesitation.

You're better with oracle tuts, honestly thenewboston is a hypocrite, he learns as he dose the videos he just explains what he understands from the official tutorials and mostly bad. Learning from oracle is the best way to go honestly since it's forwarding you explicit from simple to really pro. Believe it or not i know ppl that guy included whom not even now don't fully understand regex in java and that's an insult to the language it'self.

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You're better with oracle tuts, honestly thenewboston is a hypocrite, he learns as he dose the videos he just explains what he understands from the official tutorials and mostly bad. Learning from oracle is the best way to go honestly since it's forwarding you explicit from simple to really pro. Believe it or not i know ppl that guy included whom not even now don't fully understand regex in java and that's an insult to the language it'self.

Yeap, thats true. That's how i learned java in the first place.

Though, you know people's learning styles are divided into 3 categories


Visual: You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.

Aural: You prefer using sound and music.

Verbal: You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.


That's the only reason i posted both tutorials and videos.


Note: Do not try to copy paste the code, you learn nothing by that.

First learn the basics and then practise with examples by yourself.

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