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Lineage 2 Tower Of Insolence

Why this name?

because the full part of life of this server is on TOI from toi 5 to toi 13

all adena mob are modify for price on the shop

in this server you never will see any custom item


Enchant rate is

Safe +3

Max +10

Rate 30%

Donator can take max +8



Only 1 you can't stuck active with passive

Donator don't have any privilege on this i don't like unfair donation

#  Augmentation


Chance to get a skill


AugmentationNGSkillChance = 10%

AugmentationMidSkillChance = 15%

AugmentationHighSkillChance = 20%

AugmentationTopSkillChance = 25%


Jwl Boss System

Jwl Boss or Raid Jwl are aviable by gm shop with big price or by colleting item from event or by killing the real raid

(well if you are a lonely wolf without clan you have only to farm more)

Raid Boss Respawn Time are not yet choose but i think i will put 24 hour's for every raid


Nobless System

Nobless are aviable only when you reach 200 PvP (This is for avoid bot char for olympiad feeding and for don't give to free the nobless)


Olympiad System

Oly Started at 18 GMT +1 and end at 24 GMT +1

For start match need Min. 6 people

Hero are every 2 week

Custom Shop with nobless gate pass (Token)


Custom Fix On Class

Duelist less 5% p.atk less 5% p.def

Ol less 10% m.atk less 5% p.def

Warlord (the pole guy) 15% Boost on damage skill

Ghost Sentinel Reduced Critical Damage Bonus of "Dead Eye" but remove renstriction on nerf atk. speed

Summon are a little Bit Boosted 10% on every stats

Healer's are healer's but still robe user not a tank like in a lot of server

Tanker's Ud are a little bit nerfed

Titan have boost of 10% on Skill

Dagger are Dagger not l2j Idiot char (expect the damage i do 2% more on chance to make the blow and don't miss)

Archer and Nuker's are fine by l2j default

(Tyrant and Dagger can't use a heavy)


If you like the idea of server put +1

if you didin't like explain why

the opening is in around 2 week

Let's start the flame

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FFS 30% Enchant rate ? Get out here

Guys the truth is all server right now die in some days because you get max enchant in 2 hours and is only the class more powerfull win and the pvp start to become boring because you don't have nothing to do

the truth is every pvp have to create a continue farming circle for give a player a reason to continue

some server do it but make mistake like safe +3 max +50 so all people still with +20 and donator use +50

in my server if you play and you are very very unlucky you are able to reach the +6 anyway and you can -beep- a donator too (if we will be some donator) or if someone are more lucky or nerd of you and he have more equip +++ you still can -beep- him because the difference on equip is really low

well i read all people complain about shit server but when someone propose a good solution people still cry so what i can say? have fun in server like l2 nexus or l2 damage when 1 guy donate and have 80 agument active and passive

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