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[L2J] Energy Custom PvP Server [ HR ]


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[*]L2 Energy



Rates :


5000x Experience [ Custom Leveling system - 2 zones *from 1-60 and

*from 60-80 ]

5000x Sp

5000x adena drop rate

*Hard Farm system

*Hard Enchant system

New characters start with 500kk and 20 goldbars.


Enchant Rates :


Safe Enchant on Weapons/Armors/Jewels : 4

Max Enchant on Weapons/Armors/Jewels : 25


Enchant Rate for : Normal Scrolls = 65% [available in shop]

                  Blessed Scrolls = 80% [availabe in shop]



Retail Features :


Auto-learn skills.

Balanced Classes [We work non-stop, customizing classes so there's no overpowering and everyone can enjoy a blanced gameplay during PvP]

Uptime : 100% [server is running on dedicated]

Skills work on 95% [some skills still need to be edited but we're expecting feedback from you ingame so we can fix them and achieve balance]

Augmentation system fully working.

Subclass without quests

Olympiad System with weekly heroes [Customized Olympiad, no more endless waiting as soon as you defeat your opponent you get moved back to town so you can register again]

*Olympiad Protection : You can't feed yourself - your IP is registered and only 1 character from that IP can enter olympiad.

Sieges working perfectly

Dueling System Working [ flawlessly ]

*Party dueling system working [ flawlessly ]

Flawless Geodata + Pathnodes.



Custom Features :




-Unique[Customized looking Apella]  1st level armor

-Energy[Dynasty] Amor 2nd level armor

-Custom Jewels - each one grants ressistance to one of the 4 elements also or grants  percentage of m/pdef bow/dagger ressistence.




-Unique Weapons - Mob weapons, better than S grade [1st level Weapons]

-Energy Weapons - Dynasty weapons, better than unique weps [2nd level Weapons] [top]





-Custom Accessories [2] - Wings Of Destiny Circlet Angelic and Demonic giving some hp/mp/cp and some runspeed

-Custom Tattoes - the normal tattos [ avadon,pledge,flame,resolve,soul etc..]


-Custom Zones-


6 Farming Areas giving the oppurtunity for everyone to farm.

4 Safe Areas +

* Cemetery - PvP zone [ has different types of mob that drop different kind of currency ]

*Primeval Isle - PvP/PK zone [ also has all mobs but there are no PK guards there ]

* Soon to come - Raid Boss zone


-Events-and-GM Events-



#DM - Deatch Match

#PvP - 1v1 battles

#Korean PvP - Korean style of the PvP event

#HnS - Hide'n'Seek

#FTLI - Find The Lost Item

#CTF - Capture the FLAG

#RR - Russian Roulette

and many, many more ....


[When community level rise more zones will be opened]


- Auto Events - Still are being reworked but soon they will be implemented.

TvT : Team Vs Team

CTF : Capture the Flag

LMS[DM] : Last Man Standing


Dedicated Server :


* CPU performance guarantees : 8000 MHz

* Cores : 4

* RAM guaranteed : 8,192 MB RAM

* Maximum memory : 16 384 MB RAM

* Space : 300GB (x2)


And many many more you can find only if you log ingame . We hope you give our server a try.


Website: http://l2-energy.tk/ [Yes It's a free domain but that doesn't matter we don't need a site nor a forum all the support players can get by pming an online staff member - which are most of the time online]


Link for the Patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?yqz8029q2jam95t


PS: Server is not mine but It's great... the GMs never stop making changes on server to achieve balance they really do their work... You get answers to every questions you have the community is friendly and everyone is having lots of fun. Hope I see you ingame...;]

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