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Kalhspera paides...arxika 8elw na pw pws prwth fora asxoloumai me to 8ema!!!...exw sthsei to server m me frozen pack omws adimetwpizw 2 provlhmata:

1.exw perasei mia custom buffer kai thn kanw spawn mesa sto game alla otan klickarw panw ths m vgazei ena para8uro p exei ws title "chat" kai monh epilogh m vgazei thn epilogh "quest" p dn kanei kai tpt...

2.pou borw na vrw npc g ta class transfer


PS:sas euxaristw polu gia ton xrono sas...

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omagad why???

kalytera na to stamathseis twra p prolaveneis kai na asxolh8eis me kati kainourgio :P

Γιατί είσαι τόσο αρνητικός? Όλοι κάπως έτσι αρχίσαμε, στην πορεία μαθαίνεις.
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omagad why???

kalytera na to stamathseis twra p prolaveneis kai na asxolh8eis me kati kainourgio :P

Γιατί είσαι τόσο αρνητικός? Όλοι κάπως έτσι αρχίσαμε, στην πορεία μαθαίνεις.


exei dikeo edw o demy oloi apo to 0 arxisame kai mathame merika swsta pragmata mpwri na einai new pou na min kserei kai na theli na mathei min eisai toso arnitikos ston kosmo!

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paidia sorry p epemvenw ... alla poli edw mesa to exoun dei kapos .... les kai dn itan pote stin thesi tin diki mas .... >:(


απλα προσπαθουν να το δείξουμε πολυξερη στον κοσμο μπας και αποκτησουν αξια δεν χρειαζεται να τους δινεις σημασια 

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kati asxeto ... dokimasa tin buffer tis demy kai dn m kanei install to sql stin database ... alaksa kai id mipos uparxi idi kanena idio mesa kai tpt kserete ti kanw?

Ναι έχει πρόβλημα το sql, στην navicat στα custom_npc βρες 1 npc που δεν χρησιμοποιείς και βάλε το id της buffer.
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Kalimeraaa se olousss!!!! kanw egkatastasi tn database installer kai m bgazi kapia ERRORS kai edo kai meres dn exw vri lisi!!!! mporite na me help???


error 1286 <42000> at line 2 unknown storage engine 'innoDB'

error 1286 <42000> at line 2 unknown storage engine 'innoDB'

error 1286 <42000> at line 1 unknown storage engine 'innoDB'

error 1286 <42000> at line 2 unknown storage engine 'innoDB'

error 1062 <23000> at line 22 duplicate entry '264' for key 'PRIMARY'

error 1286 <42000> at line 2 unknown storage engine 'innoDB'

error 1286 <42000> at line 5 unknown storage engine 'innoDB'


afta einai ta errors


Mporite na m apantisete???

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Loipon file... Pane gameserver/data/jscript/custom/9999_Buffer i opos t exeis esu mpes mesa ston fakelo anikse to PY kai kane copy paste afto edw me afta p yparxoun mesa panw panw... pas meta ston fakelo data tou gameserver s kai blepeis mesa ena arxeio p legete script.cfg to anoigeis briskis p einai ta customs kai apo kato 8a baleis afto edw

custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py kaneis save k anoigeis db kaneis spawn tin buffer. :)



import sys

from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance

from java.util import Iterator

from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable

from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import State

from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState

from com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest


Twra kaneis save anoigeis db kai kaneis ksana spawn tin buffer


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