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Basically, you had nothing to say so you try to avoid the ultimate humiliation by trying to insult me and saying no sence crap. You sir, actually failed, because my troll detector started beeping. Have fun looking at a picture of an ass.

Not at all  my young boy. The truth is that you felt way too threatened by a mere use of sarcasm , just because you are too afraid to get caught in the nets of a troll.Too bad you continued this misery , allowing me to identify your weaknesses and make use of them in the near future.


As for the "non sense crap" accusation , I would vigorously deny it , as I made a point some posts ago that the peculiar ass we were commenting about , was not at all hairy.

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allowing me to identify your weaknesses and make use of them in the near future.

As I see, you have some serious brain injuries. They propably caused by watching too much television or watching too much porn films starring homosexual mammals or cows. Feel free, if you live in Athens to ask me for a place to meet you and try to solve you any kind of psychological problems you may face or to give you information about well-known psychiatrists. I wish you the best.

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As I see, you have some serious brain injuries. They propably caused by watching too much television or watching too much porn films starring homosexual mammals or cows. Feel free, if you live in Athens to ask me for a place to meet you and try to solve you any kind of psychological problems you may face or to give you information about well-known psychiatrists. I wish you the best.

My beloved friend , it would seem you failed again in the composure of the very first sentence.


Let me explain you , so you can avoid making the same mistake again.

If I had a brain injury I would either be dead ( since injury means to be hurt or pierced with an object or even have hematoma on that certain area) as the injury would occur in the cerebellum , or sadly I wouldn't be able to feel emotions and express feelings that well , because the injury would occur on my front lobe where feelings as well the realm of fantasy exists.

Secondly , what you wanted to say is that I am gay , since I would happen to watch cow porn.If I would watch cow porn I would be zoophile but a straight one since a cow is a female mammal while the male mammal would be named "Bull".Also you said homosexual mammals "OR" cows. A cow is a mammal itself you failer.By the way , you would seem to have homosexual urges yourself since you firstly made an accusation and a try to insult me by "homosexuality" , because according to psychology " We fear and hate  , what we are".Plus , you called that ass hairy mostly because I would guess , gays are shaved in every part of their body.

  For the meeting , as I have stated before , if the place and time allows it I can meet everyone of you , since I don't have any complex issues.

To end this minor conflict , please answer in PM since public humiliation may cause you traumas that you may never surpass.

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My beloved friend , it would seem you failed again in the composure of the very first sentence.


Let me explain you , so you can avoid making the same mistake again.

If I had a brain injury I would either be dead..

I read until this sentence and my troll detector beeped again. So, I stopped.

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I read until this sentence and my troll detector beeped again. So, I stopped.

Actually what you quoted was made of 2 sentences and 1 phrase. Stupid tomato.

I'd ask her to watch this video.



This isn't a joke.




I guess somoene cuts somoene's else head?


I lov gore !

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Actually what you quoted was made of 2 sentences and 1 phrase. Stupid tomato.I guess somoene cuts somoene's else head?


I lov gore !


One of my best friends is admin there :)

Nooo, on gore? Beheading? No way dude, lmao

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I'd ask her to watch this video.



This isn't a joke.




dask dekarmed for gross staff.

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