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How stupid you must be to compare WWE to UFC ... WWE is scripted entertainment and UFC is MMA means real fight.



Most of WWE fans , still believe that it is real ..


Dont mess up two different things. WWE is sports entertainment/proffesional wrestling. UFC is fighting.



MMA means Mixed Martial Arts ...Wrestling , Mua Thai , Kick Boxing every kind o martial art ...

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How stupid you must be to compare WWE to UFC ... WWE is scripted entertainment and UFC is MMA means real fight.





Over The Limit today!! ;D


Hell yeah. Laurinitis will kick Cena's ass.
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Hell yeah. Laurinitis will kick Cena's ass.


Hell no hahaha. There is some option I realized:

Who interferee will be fired imediately so since Brock Lesnar said he is 'leaving' he can come and defeat Cena for Laurnaitis.

2nd option - Big Show is fired by Laurnaitis so he return as free agent and destroy Cena then Laurnaitis bring him back to roster mean Big Show turns heel.


There is lot more option but bored to write :) I hope CM Punk win and I want Orton to win because last SD he looks like turning heel. I'll be glad to see him heel as The Viper.


Most of WWE fans , still believe that it is real ..

Well say to them instead saying here. I know it's scripted, if you see someone take stuff serious blame on him but not there. I could also say greece is stupid because most of them are. ^_^ See how it works? Dont compare a unit to everyone or someone re-define on their way.

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