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[WEBSITE] What's wrong?



Hey guys,


So i'm trying to make my website works correctly, but I cant.


I installed the website in my wamp directory and in my host.


When i'm in localhost everything works correct, all connections with databases (using IP's everywhere, not localhost or




But when I do the same with my website through cPanel, with the same IP/account/everything, it doesnt works:




In cPanel MySQL Remote I added the IP that i'm using in the pics, but the same.


Someone know something about this?





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You already have a thread open regarding SQL connections:




Perhaps theres problems in your configuration. You didn't install your own SQL database did you?

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I dont undestand exactly what you mean, i think it's obvious that I have database installed since I have L2Nuke opened and working.


Maybe we are not talking about the same SQL database :/



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I'm sorry, but my english is not that good like yours and it's difficult for me to undestand what you mean exactly.


If you mean databases in Navicat I only have one, L2Nuke's database.





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I'll try using google translator, though I don't speak Spanish.


¿Ha instalado el sitio web en el mismo servidor que el servidor del juego?



Oh, thanks for the translation.


The website is installed in Psomasweb services, and the server is hosted in my own dedicated PC, there are in different hosts.


But I dont know why in localhost the website is working perfect, with my server's IP, and the same config is not working for l2nuke.com host.


Maybe I have to do something to connect website's host with my navicat? But I dont know what.





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Oh, thanks for the translation.


The website is installed in Psomasweb services, and the server is hosted in my own dedicated PC, there are in different hosts.


But I dont know why in localhost the website is working perfect, with my server's IP, and the same config is not working for l2nuke.com host.


Maybe I have to do something to connect website's host with my navicat? But I dont know what.






Just so I understand:


The game server is located on your own computer but the database is located on the web host Psomaweb.

<es>El servidor del juego se encuentra en su propia computadora, pero la base de datos se encuentra en la Psomaweb de alojamiento web.</es>


The hosting company can block access to remote connections to the MySQL database.

<es>La empresa de alojamiento puede bloquear el acceso a las conexiones remotas a la base de datos MySQL.</es>


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Do you want your website to connect to the database on your computer?

¿Quiere que su página web para conectarse a la base de datos en su ordenador?


That's what I want, because if I try to connect the website to my Navicat the website doesnt work, you can see the second image.


PS: You dont have to translate everything dude, I just didnt undestand your first post, but thanks anyways ;)



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That's what I want, because if I try to connect the website to my Navicat the website doesnt work, you can see the second image.


PS: You dont have to translate everything dude, I just didnt undestand your first post, but thanks anyways ;)




Oh, sorry :c


Well if you want the website to be able to connect to your mysql database you have to make sure

1) You have remote access enabled

2) you have the correct port forwarded if you're behind a router.

3) If you're telling your website to connect to 'localhost', it's going to try to connect to the database located on the server. You need to fill in the number you get from: http://www.whatismyip.com/

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Oh, sorry :c


Well if you want the website to be able to connect to your mysql database you have to make sure

1) You have remote access enabled

2) you have the correct port forwarded if you're behind a router.

3) If you're telling your website to connect to 'localhost', it's going to try to connect to the database located on the server. You need to fill in the number you get from: http://www.whatismyip.com/


1- Remote access enabled in Navicat? I dont know how to enable it :/

2- I have 7777; 2106; 80; 9014; 3306 ports opened, and for example i'm using scripts like this:


$title="Crated By L2WideNetwork for L2JFrozen";  // Page Title Here
$type="1"; //Type 1 
$server=""; // MySQL IP
$user=""; //MySQL Username
$password=""; //MySQL Password
$database=""; //MySQL Database
//-----END OF CONFIGS-----//

if ($title) {
else {
print("<head><title>No Page Title</title></head>");
mysql_connect("$server", "$user", "$password") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("$database") or die(mysql_error());

if($type == '1'){
$result = mysql_query("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters where pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc")
or die(mysql_error());
echo "<center><h3>Top $top Pk Players</h3></center><table border=10 align=center><tr> <th>Character</th> <th>Top Kills</th> </tr>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {
	$name = $row['char_name'];
	$pkkills = $row['pkkills'];
	if ($sum1<$top) {
	echo "<tr><td align=center>$name</td><td align=center>$pkkills</td></tr>";

else {
echo "<center>Please config the variable $type. Make it <b>1</b> for Top Status</center>";


It dont ask for port nowhere.


3- I'm using my IP's in localhost website and in l2nuke.com, i'm not using "localhost" as "hostname" in website scripts.



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Oh god, i'm getting errors everywhere:


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-u account -p password


I'm using mysql 5.5.20, it seems that the guide is for another version.


Is there any website to see mysql 5.5.20 commands?


Thanks you.


EDIT: I found this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/mysql-commands.html


Let's see if I can make the full command...

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