geia se olous, xrhsimopoiw to last rev tou l2jfrozen k exw to e3hs provlhma, ka8e fora p kanw restart ton server enw exw kanei spawn kapoia dika mou npc, xanontai,nai men giontai save sto custom_spawnlist alla ingame dn uparxoun, epishs otan prospa8w na ta 3anakanw spawn sto server m vgazei to e3hs error:
SpawnTable: Could not store spawn in the DB com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQ
LIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry '2403' for key 'PRIMARY'
A small reminder for everyone browsing here - our bonus-start is active starting from today, you can already play with the new benefits! Have a good time everyone 🙂
geia se olous, xrhsimopoiw to last rev tou l2jfrozen k exw to e3hs provlhma, ka8e fora p kanw restart ton server enw exw kanei spawn kapoia dika mou npc, xanontai,nai men giontai save sto custom_spawnlist alla ingame dn uparxoun, epishs otan prospa8w na ta 3anakanw spawn sto server m vgazei to e3hs error:
SpawnTable: Could not store spawn in the DB com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQ
LIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry '2403' for key 'PRIMARY'
euxaristw ek twn prwterwn
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