Geia sas paidia, kalispera :).... dld g@mw ton xristo mou! gia server sygnwmh p milaw etsi alla dn mporw allo :@
exw anoi3ei 3 server me ayto to pack.. ( l2jdario exw gt kaneis dn m edei3w pos na stisw l2jfrozen i l2jacis gt dn 3erw xristo apo svn kai -beep-ies) kai panta ekei p paizw kanw ena rr ton server kolaei sta siege to startgameserver kai den fortonei allo.. e gamw tn p@n@gia m kirioloektika twra!!! 3erw den eiste ypoxrewmenei ma me voi8ate giayto den ta rixnw se esas! alla den vre8ike enas na m dei3ei i na mpei sto pc m na mou stisei enan server me to l2jfrozen!! ( gt gia enan apo esas eine 5min douleia egw ximerosa 2nyxtes kai dn ta katafera me ta 100 guide edw mesa!) kai twra zitaw TOULAXISTON sto moufa pack p exw l2jdario (ftiagmenos apo ton moderator tou l2topzone p eine kai poli psonara kai dn apantaei se kanena minima ton Underworld) toulaxiston ekei na me helparete pos na to kanw na 3ekolisei apo ta siege!!!... 3erw den eiste ypoxreomeni.. to zhataw san xari! :).. aa kai 3exasa poloi (oxi oloi) apo esas lene sta topic p kanw "ok 8a se help egw lock to topic" m stelnei private message "file ayrio 8a s sthsw ton server" pernane 2 meres apo tote kai oute simadi zwhs! .. 8elete na ma8ete pios to ekane ?? enas "dragic" .. ayta paidia an 8elete helparete me!
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Geia sas paidia, kalispera :).... dld g@mw ton xristo mou! gia server sygnwmh p milaw etsi alla dn mporw allo :@
exw anoi3ei 3 server me ayto to pack.. ( l2jdario exw gt kaneis dn m edei3w pos na stisw l2jfrozen i l2jacis gt dn 3erw xristo apo svn kai -beep-ies) kai panta ekei p paizw kanw ena rr ton server kolaei sta siege to startgameserver kai den fortonei allo.. e gamw tn p@n@gia m kirioloektika twra!!! 3erw den eiste ypoxrewmenei ma me voi8ate giayto den ta rixnw se esas! alla den vre8ike enas na m dei3ei i na mpei sto pc m na mou stisei enan server me to l2jfrozen!! ( gt gia enan apo esas eine 5min douleia egw ximerosa 2nyxtes kai dn ta katafera me ta 100 guide edw mesa!) kai twra zitaw TOULAXISTON sto moufa pack p exw l2jdario (ftiagmenos apo ton moderator tou l2topzone p eine kai poli psonara kai dn apantaei se kanena minima ton Underworld) toulaxiston ekei na me helparete pos na to kanw na 3ekolisei apo ta siege!!!... 3erw den eiste ypoxreomeni.. to zhataw san xari! :).. aa kai 3exasa poloi (oxi oloi) apo esas lene sta topic p kanw "ok 8a se help egw lock to topic" m stelnei private message "file ayrio 8a s sthsw ton server" pernane 2 meres apo tote kai oute simadi zwhs! .. 8elete na ma8ete pios to ekane ?? enas "dragic" .. ayta paidia an 8elete helparete me!
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