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interlude L2Inter TEST On-line! Live mode 04.21 17:00 (GMT+2)


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Hello, I glad becouse now i can say that server L2Inter is ready for Test Mode 2012.04.19 16:00 (GMT +2). Last server season server was online month and few weeks. In our new season server have many updates! So please test our work now! All time we are waiting for your suggestions and bug reports. Server live mode start will be 2012.04.21 17:00 (GMT +2) So tell your friends about L2Inter!


Chronicle: Interlude


No Custom


Farm: Easy


Fights: long and interesing


Olympiad: Full working


Events: TvT, DM.


PvP Zone: Fight in same zone get bored true? So in our server PvP zone will be changed after every 2 hours.






» EXP 99999x

» SP 99999x

» ADEN 99999x

» DROP 99999x

» PARTY EXP/SP 99999x


Enchant Rates:

» +3 safe

» +14 max with blessed/simple scrolls

» +16 With Crystal scrolls (easy to get)

» Simple Scrolls 75%

» Blessed Scrolls 85%

» Crystal Scrolls 100%

» Stackable Scrolls


Main info:

» Client Interlude C6

» Main Town: Aden

» Starint Level: 80

» Auto Noblesse

» No Grade and Weight penalty

» Anti-Heavy

» Tattoo's 2 Types

» Spawn protection - 20s

» Custom Raid Boss'es

» 99 Buffs Slots

» Title and Nick Colors NPC

» No Augmentation!


Pvp Zone:

» Changes every 2(-two) hours

» There are 5 zones

» Auto flag when enter to zone.


Castle Siege:

» There is only Aden Castle siege.

» Siege every week



» Team vs Team

» 10:00;13:00;16:00;19:00;22:00

» Reward 10 Gold Bar

» Event with all buffs


» Deathmatch

» 12:00;15:00;18:00;21:00;24:00

» Reward 20 Gold Bar

» Event with all buffs



» Olympiad period 5 days

» Starts 18:00, Ends 24:00

» Heroes will be changed every 5 days.



» .online

» .away

» .back





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