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[help] Unregistered skill


3 answers to this question

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You have skills that do not exist in the extender, or you have bad scripts.


Check the SkillAquire.txt and SkillData.txt that correspond to the ones giving you red messages and remove them; chances are they are custom ones that were added. Lots of scripts contain custom NPC's (Shops, buffers, etc) and skills that were created for high rate PvP servers that are never removed when shared.

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im getting a few 

[.\Skill.cpp][796] Unregistered skill(10029-1)


what mean this?


offtopic (where are those %&*$ .cpp? O.o


Not recorded skills  in skilldata.txt
This error originated calls in areadata.txt.
To solve this problem I suggest you remove all the skills of calls areadata.txt and then later add one by one by checking the codes for errors so you later add a skill not registered to skilldata.txt
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Parse your skilldata or check for any errors, but mostly yes unknown skill that is not recognized by the ext.

Search by the ID tag, ignore the .cpp

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