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classic [L2J] L2Phaedra x1000 WIPED ITS ONLINE!! JOIN NOW!!!!!


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I never played your server and as you know I dont have time to play it now, but you must wipe it in my opinion, because you're opening a new server with new players, is not fair for the newbie players if there are already players with full equiped.



i understand your point of view  some others please?

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One thing that maybe you didnt notice, on forum and here you say Grand opening at 14:00 GMT +2 but your timer on the site says 4hours and 55min before the opening.



Oh you're right,i put wrong hour anyway now it's fixed, thanks for report.

Ok, decision was maded, there will be a fresh start with WIPE!

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i agree too with wipe,i played there i am full,but still i think best is wipe for everyone:)

wipe is the best solution.It will attract new players,not only the old players.

Already the decision was taken, there will be a fresh start!

New unique website with live statistics it's up! www.l2phaedra.com

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i've seen new server's with 2k online. but i also seen with 7 - 8 . it doesnt matter if it's new or not.

yea your right but for now we don`t have hopzones ...will come soon so more ppl will join

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